Friday Favorites
Last night was our night to do the Christmas shopping. I'd say within approximately 5 min. of being in the store, my husband and I were at each others throats and complete and utter aggravation had set in. I hate shopping this time of year. Everyone and their brother was out and about last night, and I'm talking like 8-9pm...when I for some reason, thought everyone would be back at home by then.
My husband, GOTTA LOVE HIM, always always waits until the very last moment to do our shopping and every year I swear I will start in October the following year and it just never happens that way.
Next year, October. That's all there is to it. I will not go through this frustration again. Nope. Not Gonna Do it.
Here is a little Etsy Favoritism. I ordered these three beauties from Jodie Hurt.I can't wait to get them! I have a feeling they won't get here before I go to CT for Christmas. I'll keep my fingers crossed.

I have a plan to mat these 3 together and frame them and I think I will hang them in my studio. That's the next room on the schedule for painting. I picked a beautiful teal blue/green.
My husband, GOTTA LOVE HIM, always always waits until the very last moment to do our shopping and every year I swear I will start in October the following year and it just never happens that way.
Next year, October. That's all there is to it. I will not go through this frustration again. Nope. Not Gonna Do it.
Here is a little Etsy Favoritism. I ordered these three beauties from Jodie Hurt.I can't wait to get them! I have a feeling they won't get here before I go to CT for Christmas. I'll keep my fingers crossed.

I have a plan to mat these 3 together and frame them and I think I will hang them in my studio. That's the next room on the schedule for painting. I picked a beautiful teal blue/green.
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