Monday Dec 10

i hate it when you finish something really great in the studio and then you HAVE to photograph it but it's dark outside so you have no natural light and so you have to do it in your dark studio with lights blaring on it and then you have to totally fool around with it in photoshop to make it look half way decent. i hate that.
this happened to me, tonight. i made this necklace (inspired by the great and wise, heather wynn) and used the little green girl studios clasp i have been hoarding in my supplies for like 8 months, along with the hill tribe silver feather that i have had even longer...i don't think i'll be listing this baby. but i did make one in a similar style using purple beads, and green girl studios clasp and dragonfly bead. i may list that one, because i am more able to get my hands on those more affordable supplies. we'll see. check back to find out. it's like a suspense novel. gotta love that.
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Better than a thousand hollow words, is one word that brings peace.