Wednesday Jan. 2!
I feel relieved that the holidays are finally over. We packed away the Christmas tree and all the trimmings. I can honestly say I didn't mind cleaning up all the little needles on the floor- most likely because I got a Dirt Devil BroomVac for Christmas from my father so that made it FUN!
The BroomVac works Awesome!
Christmas in Connecticut was nice too. We had fun with my sister-in-law's kids. Max is silly. We were having fun with the digital camera. He is a total Ham!
Alex is on the go, and so quick it's hard to get a good shot of her. She is not the type that will POSE for any photos.
She got this umbrella for Christmas but "found it accidentally"! Oops!
New Year was kind of a bust! I was sick with a killer head cold. Now it's over and I can get my butt back into the jewelry making maniac that I really am! Keep an eye out on my shop for new listings soon! Merry Christmas and Happy 2008!
The BroomVac works Awesome!
Christmas in Connecticut was nice too. We had fun with my sister-in-law's kids. Max is silly. We were having fun with the digital camera. He is a total Ham!
Alex is on the go, and so quick it's hard to get a good shot of her. She is not the type that will POSE for any photos.
New Year was kind of a bust! I was sick with a killer head cold. Now it's over and I can get my butt back into the jewelry making maniac that I really am! Keep an eye out on my shop for new listings soon! Merry Christmas and Happy 2008!
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Better than a thousand hollow words, is one word that brings peace.