Book Review: 1000 Jewelry Inspirations

I picked my copy up from Barnes and Noble on Sunday afternoon. If you haven't flipped through this one, go to the store and pick it up now! Why, you ask? Because it's got pages and pages of color- photographed jewelry designs of every size, shape, color, and medium.
Who is featured, you ask? Some of my favorites are:


  1. Thanks for the shout out! I'm so pleased to be included in this book with so many talented artists.

  2. You're welcome Liz! Thanks for coming by! I loved all of your entries in this book! I have favorited your shop.

  3. Anonymous6/03/2008

    Lorelei, thanks so much! I can't wait to see the book :-)

  4. Oh, what a warm fuzzy! ... to see my name mentioned in such a nice context. Thank you so much! I love that book because it's just FILLED with eye-candy.


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