A Machine!

I worked like a machine today. This is the first time beading has really made me tired! Whew!
I need a nap! It was such a slow week last week due to my sickness, I am totally playing catch up. Now what I should do is wait and list these on Etsy one at a time, one each day or something like that. But who has time for that?! I'm here at the computer, I might as well do them all at once right? How do you list your etsy items? All at once? Or one at a time? If you don't have an etsy shop but hope to someday, how do you think you'll list your pieces? Leave a comment in this post!


  1. What a productive day! I sometimes think it takes just as long to photograph the jewelry as it does to make them ... so I usually post to Etsy right away, to get that feeling of completing the cycle. Your photos are always so clear and the color is great ...

  2. Thanks Lynn! I feel that way too. I don't feel quite finished until I produce, photograph and list. :)

    Thank you - I give all the credit to my trusty Olympus SP-350!

  3. I try to do them all in one push. It is just easier that way with the little ones around. They are all splendid! The owl is so cute!

  4. Thanks Gaea for commenting.


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