The Bead Pod has been Re-stocked!

I re-stocked my Destash shop, it was looking so sad and empty for weeks now. I hope to get rid of some more beads throughout the week. I'm hoping to save up for some gemstone strands. Need beads!? Head to The Bead Pod!


  1. Hello Lorelei,
    I love your new look on the blog.I've been playing with mine but not sure yet if i like it.Maybe this week i'll actually blog!errrrrrr

  2. Hi there!! Nice to hear from you Stranger!!
    Yea thanks...actually this is a temporary look for it because this morning, all of my side bar widgets were re-located down at the way bottom under all the posts. I'm not sure why it did this all of a sudden but this layout was the only way I could fix it! Sometimes blogger has a mind of its own!

  3. Okay, this is going on my list for the New Year. Selling off my sad beads that I ignore I love your choices :)

  4. Hi Beth!
    Were you around when I did the big bead swap? I did trade a few things with other beaders. It was fun. If you see anything you like here, I'd be up for trading if you have stuff you want to get rid of.


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