Open House

Last week I was thinking about how I didn't sign up this year for any craft fairs. It's a lot of work. Mostly, it's hard to pack everything up and take it with you to a venue. What a hassle. So I thought that I would plan an open house right in my house!

I ordered some sweet postcards through For $19.99 you get 20 different images on a post card and you can set up the backside, however you want. I included all my open house info. I'll photograph them and post them when I get them in the mail. They are on the way now. November 15th, from 2-5pm. I'll offer snacks, and everyone gets a little gift for coming. I'll set up jewelry in my dining room, probably on the buffet. I also mentioned on the postcard that anyone who brings a friend will get 10% off their purchase. I'll probably invite some ladies from work, some ladies from Joe's school, a few friends. I think it will be fun, and I hope that I'll at least make a few sales. I figured this would be a good time, right before the Christmas shopping hassles begin. Nothing makes me want to buy HANDMADE more than fighting with mall parking! Sign the pledge to buy handmade this year!

I Took The Handmade Pledge!

The trick is not to put a whole lot of money into it. So I probably won't go completely nuts with decorations. I can easily get carried away. I'll have to have Joe find the FALL decorations box in the garage. We still haven't bought any mums or pumpkins yet. I'm feeling a little lame since everyone on the blog has at least 3 pumpkins and 3 mums on their front steps.
What a dark and dreary and rainy day today. At least I'll be busy at work. I'm cataloging all the furniture in our art collection. Taking photos of each thing for the computer system and making sure the locations are all correct. Today I'm working on the Period rooms. There are 4 rooms over in Fountain Elms where they have set them up to replicate how they were back in the 1800s. Pretty soon we'll be decorating for yuletide. Click the link to get a sneak peak.
Have a good Monday ya'll!


  1. Anonymous10/06/2008

    Your Open House idea sounds really fun! Wish I could join you, but I'm sure you'll have a great turnout.

  2. what a terrific fun event - I so wish I could be there - darn that 300 miles in between us! It will be a great day!

  3. Thanks Ladies!
    I wish you could come too!

  4. Oh! That sounds like fun! It is so much easier when you are just dragging things from one room to another, rather that dragging it to a car and another building and then back again! I hope you have a great time! Mmmm... sounds like you're having mulled cider weather!

  5. Anonymous10/06/2008

    This is a great idea. I have a friend locally that makes jewelry and has open houses several times a year. She usually offers refreshments and baked goods also.
    Around Christmas she puts candy canes with % off stickers on the ends, puts them in a jar and you can pick one for a discount.
    Wish I was within driving distance, I'd be there for sure.

  6. That's a great idea! I hope everything goes well - I think you've got some great ideas, with the friend discount and everything!

    Patricia's friend's idea with the candy canes is awesome as well.

  7. Great idea! Can't wait to hear how it goes!


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