First Round- Emee Shop

Whew. I've got about half of the items listed in mom's shop, Emee.
Check it out, show Momma some love. And the first three orders I receive, I will send a little extra goodie! :)


  1. Oh man! I need an apron, but I'd like a full one. Any chance she'll make any of those?

  2. She is planning on trying her hand and some full aprons too. But it might not be until after Christmas.

  3. How cute! Aprons are sooo retro, I love her shop!

  4. OH! I Love them! Great job and the photos are so sweet! It all looks very stylish and sweet! Just a request but a kids apron would be so special! I'll check back!

  5. Those are the coolest thing to have. I need to get xmas presents.



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