
Welcome to this month's edition of Lorelei's Surprise Giveaways!! Just trying to keep you on your toes! You just never know what you're going to stumble upon when you sign onto my blog! Keep you guessing!! Makes it fun!

This month's giveaway is this lovely 7-1/2 inch (I will resize it to fit the winner) beaded bracelet featuring a round, grey Vintage Button from one of my recent treasure hunting adventures. Brown wood wheels are separated by small teal glass seed beads, and asymmetrically placed along the band is a funky brown and teal swirled Lampworked glass bead from The Orange Bell!!

What you have to do is: Leave a comment on this post telling me what you'd like to see on a website, if hypothetically I started my own. What do you look for in a website? Design elements? What kind of payment system would you be interested in using? Would you want options? How simple or detailed do you like websites to be? You don't have to answer all these questions. Just leave one comment, and I'll draw a random winner on Sunday evening. (Feb. 1st) Please make sure you leave an address so I can reach you if you win.

Thanks for playing along! Good luck to everyone!


  1. Hi Lorelei - I LOVE what you are doing with the buttons lately. I prefer Paypal on websites - that way I can pay with ease instead of searching for my credit card. :-)

  2. Love the giveaway! What a great combination of colors and whimsy. I don't think there is anything different I'd like to see on your potential website that I don't already see in your Etsy shop - your creative jewelry and wonderful customer service and ease of shopping is all a girl could want!

  3. Hi Lorelei - cool giveaway! I like paypal, but also the option of paying with credit card (which I guess you can do on paypal if you want). Putting in a "new" feature is a good thing (like you do up above) and sections for bracelets, earrings and necklaces.

  4. Good Morning, Lorelei. I love what you are doing with the vintage buttons and the combination of beads and wood is beautiful. OK, websites...paypal, easy navigation buttons at the top of the page, and simple layout. I'd rather click through more pages than have to scroll down too much. Also I really like when I can get a behind the scenes look at who the artist is, so nice bio and maybe a couple of studio pics. Good luck with the website! LeAnn

  5. Buttons seem to be your forte, you come up with some of the funniest designs using them.
    I like websites that are easy to navigate. Has to have good pictures and descriptions. Paypal is about the way to go, even though they make me mad sometimes:(
    You have great tastes, so imagaine your site will be fab...

  6. I like to see a lot of color and photos, esp, outdoor scenes. It just seems "grounding" to me. Too much white (or solid color) and too much text is boring to me, and laborious to get thru. It's almost like a mind block to me. Anyway, I love your work and your blog!! :) keep on beading...

  7. Anonymous1/27/2009

    I like paypal. I like the music that some sites have. I love your blog, its the first I look at each morning. I love your earthy designs. Keep up the good work.

  8. Anonymous1/27/2009

    Love this bracelet! I love a website that is easy to navigate....a menu with sections maybe even a drop down menu on every page so that it's easy to jump around. Paypal is also one thing I look for when I shop online.

  9. I love that bracelet. I like websites that are simple and easy to navigate. I love using paypal. It's really safe and easy. Your work is always so great and different. Really, really pretty and original.

  10. I think you'd have a great website. I like a website that offers PayPal. Maybe show the process you go through to complete a piece for some added interest. Have the pieces availabe for purchase by categories, i.e. necklaces, earrings, wood, stone, etc.
    Have fun with this new venture!

  11. Hi Lorelei,
    The bracelet is super cute!
    I hear paypal is cheaper than using a regular credit card processer. And since you can use your credit card with paypal, I think folks could go both ways, with less stress (and expense) for you.
    I'm sure whatever you do, your website will be a cozy place that reflects you!
    Good luck with your project! And I hope I win-really like that bracelet!

  12. I agree with the majority, that Paypal is the way to go. I think it should be easy to navigate and pretty...also I really like learning about the artist and always go to that section first. Can't wait to see what you come up with! Thanks for the giveaway! The bracelet is my favorite color combination = turquoise and brown!!

  13. Anonymous1/27/2009

    Hi! This is a beautiful bracelet!

    I like a website to offer PayPal as a payment option. Simplicity is also a plus!

    Thanks for the wonderful giveaway! :)


  14. Hi Lori,
    I'd like to see you speak about creativity and techniques. I love your pieces and would like to learn how you go about your design process - is it colors? Do you pick one bead and try to find matching ones? What is the most important about making a design?
    Regardless of your giveaway, I am very curious of your answer. Nicki

  15. I guess you may have heard about PayPal? No? Well let me be the first, um 50th to extoll the virtues of PayPal on your website. I have had few problems with them. Simple and easy is great for a website. Not getting lost is good too. I also feel strongly about not having to scroll down a page for forever and a day. We must be on the same color kick! I just got out to a local bead shop (with out the kids!!!) and found some really pretty turquoise seed beads and the gal threw in the wooden beads I had on my tray for free! Yippie! I love your work with buttons! XO

  16. PayPal for sure. I know that I am much more likely to make a purchase if the seller offers PayPal. Simple navigation is good. Things I don't like are Flash and annoying. P.S. Love the bracelet!

  17. This is a fun bracelet! I will echo what has already been said...Paypal is easy and familiar to use, easy navigation, simple layout, and mostly, when I visit a new website, I like to see something about who is behind it...some personal background, why they make what they sell, I feel like I'm ordering from a person and not just a random website.
    Thanks for doing this, it's been fun to read all the suggestions too, as well as having a chance to win a piece of your jewelry!

  18. Anonymous1/27/2009

    I like to pay with credit card! I LOVE LOVE LOVE your stuff. You are the best jewelry designer ever!

  19. Anonymous1/27/2009

    when I shop on websites I like to have multiple pictures of the product. I am always paranoid if there is only one that I will get it and realize I didn't really like it! So lots of pictures of products. (I guess you already have that on the etsy site?oh well) I love that you are making stuff with buttons, they are so great. My grandma collects buttons and I LOVE going through her collection when I go back to visit. She has two huge old library card catalogs that she has filled the drawers with is so cool!

  20. Anonymous1/27/2009

    Hi Lorelei
    I agree with the comments...lots of pictures, Paypal, easy to check around your site. Your blog is a good indication of a great website already! Look at how many of us enjoy visiting here!

  21. Anonymous1/27/2009

    I love looking at your blog and your Etsy shop; you do a very nice job on both sites. I know what ever you do with your web site it will be wonderful.

  22. Lorelei, what a fantastic bracelet! I agree with the majority that paypal is the best and easiest option. I wouldn't change anything that you're already doing either, in terms of layout, pictures and description. It's just perfect!!

  23. Great bracelet. I agree that PayPal is most convenient for a website. I too like lots of pictures and not too much text. Look forward to your creation. Your jewelry is the best.

  24. Love the bracelet...

    Maybe you could have some how-to's on your blogsite?

    Keep up the great work!!!

  25. this little bracelet is very inspiring!

  26. Anonymous1/31/2009

    Ditto regarding PayPal.

    I also agree regarding multiple pictures is a plus. It is also helpful to see a picture of the item being worn. This helps put elements in perspective so I really know what I am getting.

    Love your jewelry!!!


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