Chip Chop Chip

It's Monday. I hate Mondays. But after 4 days at home, it's time to go back to work. I plan on throwing myself back into my cataloging project in storage. I finished with the dishes and am now moving on to cut glass, and Tiffany glass. It's boring work but it will be so helpful when everything is numbered and identified correctly. I had a nice couple of days off. I felt good about how productive I've been lately. The new studio has really made me feel quite creative, which I'm glad for!

Yesterday, in between doing all the
mundane housework stuff, like laundry and dust bunny cleaning, I filled a couple more drawers of my bead cabinet. Red/orange/yellow in one drawer, and Green/teal in another. Doing this was so great because I found that I have beads I didn't even realize I had and was able to create this bracelet- inspired by a color palette used in Mixed Metals by Melinda Barta and Danielle Fox. I love the Golden Pyrite beads mixed with the bright orange, pink and reds. These colors also worked well with this lamp work focal bead from Magda! Don't forget, I have a whole set of Magda's beads waiting for the next blog giveaway!! Probably one of the best giveaways I've done so far!

I also finished my first submission for the Art Bead Scene challenge. I'll give that one it's own post so check back again later this morning to see my necklace design!


  1. I hate Mondays too.... pretty bracelet!

  2. Fantastic bracelet!

  3. Don't you just love to find beads you forgot you had. When I do that I have to make them up into something - I feel they wanted to be found and made into something prtty!!

    Have a great Monday.

  4. Ooh, I love this one! Fabulous colours.

  5. The mix of pyrite with the reds is a wonderful combination. Very lyrical.

  6. Anonymous5/11/2009

    I hate Mondays too, but I love the bracelet!

  7. I love the color combination here! Really vibrant and pretty! Typically I hate Mondays but since the spring semester is over and the summer semester hasn't started yet, this Monday is a good one. :-)

  8. Love this design!!! I feel like it has been ages since I actually got to sit down and make something new. I'm jealous!!! Take care and good luck on making it through Tuesday!


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