My weekend at home

I traveled home to see my parents today. First a trip to my mom's and then stopped in at my Dad's for some lunch...

Of course my Father voted for his favorites in the BEAD STAR challenge. Here he is deciding on his favorites.
How cute is it, that when he got to the Plastics category, he could pick mine out of the 19 other finalists before I
even told him which necklace was mine!!??! No, I'm NOT kidding!

Stopped by and enjoyed some time with my Momma also. She gave me a wide variety of new purple flowers for my garden (I'll show pics tomorrow), and I got to see and photograph her new additions to her chicken family. Lavender the Hen, had 6 babies about 2 weeks ago. Aren't they cuuuute?!

Look at all my pics from today at webshots here.

Check back
tomorrow for a chance to win some lampwork glass beads from Magda!


  1. Anonymous5/17/2009

    Your dad recognized your necklace? Wow, that's cool!
    Those little chicks are adorable, my son would love them!

  2. A father after his own daughter's heart! How cool is that?

    Love the chicks...they are so fuzzy and cute when they are little like that!

  3. Dad's are so cool (most of the time). Its sweet he picked yours right out of the bunch.
    I really love your Mom's lavendar chicken. I don't think I've ever seen one like that. Chickens are the first thing I look at when I go to the county fairs. Cool birds, but dirty...oh well.

  4. thanks guys!

    Lavender is a Blue Cochin. Pretty isn't she??

  5. Anonymous5/17/2009

    oh those baby chicks are just too cute!! and Lavender is a beautiful chicken!

  6. OMG those chicks are the cutest ever - oh the little faces!!!

  7. How fun! I'll leave a comment on my blog, too!

  8. How sweet! I wish that I could get my parents to use their computer! Those chicks and that momma hen are adorable. How about a piece of jewelry inspired by those colors?
    Enjoy the day!

  9. Lorelei, okay I admit I read it wrong and thought you said she was a lavendar chicken...silly me! But it was too late to change it, and it made me laugh. She is very pretty and her chicks are sweet.
    We had some chickens once..ask Heather about them. And that's all I'm gonna say about that for now.

  10. Cutest chickens!!! I think that is so cool that your dad picked out your dad!

    Funky Monkey Girl,


  11. Awww gees to go home to your Mommsa! What a lovely place they must have by what a peek we can see! xx


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