Weekend Plans

Yesterday I took the afternoon off from work. I got home around lunchtime. I needed to pick up and clean the house a little bit. We are having guests this weekend. Joe's sister and her husband, and Joe's friend Larry (from college) are coming into town tonight. Tomorrow we are having our annual summer party. Unfortunately, quite a few people from out of town that we invited, can't make it this year. So it will be our 3 out of town guests, plus several local couples.

Saturday morning we are all headed to the annual Bouckville Antique Fair. I went last year. You probably remember reading about it. I look forward to it but won't be spending much money this year as my cash is slated for Bead Fest in Philly next weekend! But it's fun to go and look around anyway. Then we'll come back and have some good food, laughs, hang out til late, and try not to wake the neighbors.

I got some work done yesterday afternoon and these pieces will be going in my shop momentarily. This necklace (below) - I'm quite proud of it. I used my Tang Baby felted beads from one of the tubes, and some ceramic buttons from Marsha Neal Studios. Silk cord up around the back. One strand is etched Vintaj Brass chain, one is small copper metal seed beads with some faceted opal green rondelles. I made little squiggles of bronze artist wire and attached them to brass eyepins that I threaded each of the felt beads onto. It's a longer style necklace which I've been enjoying making lately.

Don't forget, if you haven't already commented on the Enchanted Adornments Giveaway Post, Sunday will be the last day. I pick a random winner on Monday Aug. 17!


  1. I love the donut necklace - so simple, yet so beautiful!

  2. The felt bead necklace turned out really beautifully. Enjoy your weekend!

  3. LOVE the color combination with the TangBaby beads. Fantastic necklace!

  4. The necklace with the Tangbaby beads is gorgeous. The other ones are fab too.
    Have a nice week-end
    Pat xx

  5. Your little felt balls with the springs are so cute and fresh! Something different! Lovin it!

  6. Anonymous8/14/2009

    The felt beads came out great on th necklace!!

  7. Really nice design with the felted bead necklace and nice components.
    I love the bangle bracelet too.
    Have a nice time............

  8. Mel Mel8/14/2009

    I LOVE the Beach Combing bracelet. Lorelei words can not express how much I love & admire all of your work. Your blog is also great and I enjoy all the links to other great artists. They are all wonderful but your still my fave. Have a great weekend and thanks for all the joy you bring. Mel

  9. boy am i feeling the love today!!
    thank you everyone for all the wonderfully nice comments! I really appreciate your input, and it really pushes me to keep doing what I do, and to keep trying new things and testing my limits.
    Your comments give me the drive that I need to keep going. I will be forever thankful.

    *Mel Mel: you're the best!!

  10. you can be proud Lorelei!! this necklace is absolutely gorgeous... the little tubs are so so cutes.. you have been couragous to open one of them.. they look like little sweets.. i love your bracelets too!!

  11. I just drool over your lovely creations! Thanks for such great inspiration!


  12. Your blog is fantastic!!!

  13. Well I just placed my order for some of those cute little felt beads...you are a bad influence on my pocketbook, but a good one for creativity...creative wins.

  14. Hey Julie!!
    Thanks so much for purchasing some of Myrieah's felted beads. I know she'll appreciate it! Have fun playing with them!


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