Andrew's Charm Club

Remember this? Andrew announced he was starting up a bit of a charm club. One of a kind charms/beads created by him, and people were able to pay him $75 for a 3 month
cycle of charms, and the participants would also get a handmade collage painting.
My friend Norma paid for my club subscription, in return for jewelry from my shop,
While I was in Philly, and before I could even get a HELLO out,
Andrew gave me my charms and painting! I was blown away by
his generosity, as you can see, I got a ton of goodies!
First of all, the owl painting alone causes me to go speechless.
You know how I feel about owls, and this little piece of art means a lot to me in more ways than one.
The charms and beads that Andrew created are beautiful and funky. I can't wait to start putting them into designs. You might even see them end up in some beading publications. Ya never know!!
Thank you to Andrew, for a wonderful opportunity to have a little piece of your creativity!
And if it weren't for Norma.... well, you know what I'm sayin'.


  1. Too cool! I told Andrew I was planning on blogging about the charm club soon too. I've already started working some of the pieces into designs!

  2. Cool designs. You're one lucky girl! And I'm in love with that painting. Did Andrew make that? Wow!

  3. The charm clube is such a cool idea - and that painting is fantastic.

  4. Ack! A charm club?!? How exactly did I miss this?! I would have participated in a heartbeat! I sure hope that he does that again...I am chastising myself for missing out. Beautiful things as ever, Lorelei. (And don't you think Andrew knows that you have a thing about owls?!)
    Enjoy the day!

  5. Mel Mel9/02/2009

    Aww, Lorelei I love your new pic. You look beautiful. You ARE beautiful. That Andrew Thornton must be a real " charmer". Sorry I couldn't resist. Lol:)
    Wishing you joy. Mel Mel

  6. Your peices are real nice! Andrews painting art peice wow what a beauty! Id love to have that were Blessed!! x

  7. Your "Thornton Tresures" make me weak in the knees.
    What a nice friend you have. Yeah Norma.


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