That is what it means to me!


  1. Like it a lot! Especially how the beads pick up the colours in the pendant. Nice little subtle message in there.

  2. Yea thats really Nice Lorelei!

  3. beautiful lorelei!!

  4. Sweet! :) Great mix of beads and love the colors.

  5. Gorgeous mix of texture and color!

  6. I love all the linked beads - and, of course, the awesome pendant!

  7. Beautiful piece! I love the punches of red in with the cool blues. And that pendant is fabulous!

    Did I miss the next giveaway announcement? Just checking....I don't want to miss out on a chance to win Enchanted Adornments bead giveaway!

  8. hey alice!
    the winner was announced on monday.
    I have to post the new giveaway... i will do it soon!

  9. Am I the only one giggling like a 12 year old boy over the "woodcock" at the top and bottom of the page? Probably. I'm still giggling over "Cockfoster" on the Picadilly line. ;)

  10. How come when you mix colors in a necklace it looks awesome and when I try to do it, it ends up looking a hot mess? I'm in awe of your talent once again and especially love the way you use the button with the clasp.

  11. You have the most awesome flair for color and design. And I really dig what you do with buttons, my friend! Enjoy the day! Erin

  12. Nancy- he he he. no Kelley pointed that out first thing this morning!
    Cockfosters.that was the best.

    thank you everyone for your kind comments!

  13. Mel Mel10/14/2009

    Naughty Nancy !! Your not the only one, the sex caught my eye under the word womankind. I guess we never out grow it. Some words are just like that. Lorelei, This is a great piece, if I had attempted to use red and blue it would have looked like you could only wear it on July 4th. How do you do it ?????

  14. you ladies are so funny...hehe..I love the color combination in the necklace and the pendant is very nice


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