Step Aside, Clark Griswold.

Welcome to our Christmas Tree Adventure.
One Teacher. One Jeweler. On the hunt.

A rare Santa sighting at the tree farm.

"Atta way, to the trees..."

sea of trees
a sea of pines. spruce. long needle. short needle. tall. and short.

We didn't have to go far. She stuck out like a sore thumb amongst her
fellow Blue Spruces.

detail of branches

Yep, this is the one. She's just right.

WE DID IT! We looked high and low and were quite successful,
in finding the BIGGEST tree at the tree farm.
A mere 11 foot tall.

tree bailer
"I'm not sure she's gonna fit through the bailer."

Some trimmage had to happen before she was allowed in the house.
Joe must have trimmed at least 2 foot off the trunk.
What can I say.
We were a bit over-zealous.

But it was


  1. Lovely tree Lorelei!
    Here in Oz radiata pine is about the only thing that survives the climate.
    Usuall put up a few days before Christmas and they have shed all the needles all over the house by New Year. Probably accounts for why artificial trees are the go here. No where good as the real deal

  2. Cool photos - how did you do that?

  3. What fun to pick your own tree from a farm! Beautifully decorated and I think I smell the pine...Merry Christmas!

  4. What a lovely tree! I'm allergic, so we haven't had a real tree for ages! Thanks for sharing the adventure.

    Happy holidays,

  5. Ohhhh if that wasnt the sweetest! It put a smile on my face! The pics its like a storytale! xx

  6. Very cute and funny post. And the tree is beautiful. I love that movie too.

  7. It's a beauty - great photos.

  8. Dang it! You won...I didn't get my tree yesterday!

  9. Wonderful pictures!!! I love the way the snow is gently laying on the tree branches (even the non-evergreens)...

    I love the way the last picture is just so warm and cozy after taking the visual journey with you to the outdoors to find that perfect tree!

    As a child, I always hoped to find little chipmunks or other furry critters in the live trees we had for Christmas... never happened though (as an adult, I say - thankfully never happened).

  10. Hey L...give us a 101 on how you did the photos!!

  11. Great photo essay. Looks sort of Norman Rockwellish. Tell us how you did the photos and how are the branches still snowlike in the last photo? We're in Florida so it truly was a treat.

  12. That's a huge tree! Did you check for any squirrels living inside?

  13. What great pics and a magical tree. We don't get much snow here in Richmond so I loved seeing it.

  14. What a beautiful tree! And the snow! Oh, I want a white Christmas so badly!

  15. Anonymous12/09/2009

    beautiful tree!! hope it smells great too!

  16. This looks like the North Pole! So beautiful!

  17. What a wonderful post! It almost makes me wish I lived farther north.


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