Packaging is so Important!

I recently placed an order at the Etsy shop of a woman I have admired for some time. Amanda Davie is a talented jewelry designer that has started making her own jewelry components and she's slowly starting to sell them in her shop. I bought a lovely reproduction keyhole that she fashioned out of bronzclay. I am smitten with this little lovely and most of all, I am enamored by Amanda's specialty packaging!

In my bubble mailer I received this sweet handmade velum envelope complete with vintage button. I untied the twine and inside was  a small package wrapped in sheet music from what appears to be a hymnal. Around the package was more twine and a sweet small bronzclay charm.  The keyhole was safely snug inside the package. Amanda included a post card, a business card, and a small organza bag that held a butterfly hand-mirror! And a small TICKET that thanked me for my order, in her handwriting on the back. (Also included was my invoice of course!)

The details of this little envelope are just brilliant. It's machine-sewed with red thread, and encased inside the velum is little bits of paper ephemera including a fortune from a fortune cookie! It tells me that it would be good to treat myself to dessert. I feel like I've treated myself with THIS little dessert!

Here is a photo of the mirror, front and back!

and a close-up shot of my bronzclay goodies.
Aren't they lovely!?

See more of Amanda Davies work at her shop.
Check out her blog.
and treat yourself to a little amanda davie dessert!
if you will!


  1. You are so right packaging is mucho important. I use recycled materials in an artsy way and also add little freebies.

    My only problem is I get so caught up in creating a beautiful package that I always end up running to the post office to get there before it shuts.

    I need to organise my time and material better so that when business really picks up I don't get bogged down or late with my postings the purchases.

    Any tips out there guys?

  2. the fabulous packaging is 1/2 the fun of getting things in the mail. My Bead Soup mix came in a great handmade envelope that I loved. The new blog layout looks great, I had to bookmark the site for myself. Thanks for the heads up!

  3. I love your new blog look! Of course, I love your jewelry, but the blog is pretty fly :)

  4. That is fantastic packaging. So personal and special. I would find it hard to open. And definitely would have to hang onto it forever. The bronze pieces are gorgeous.

  5. love your new looK!!!!

  6. wow! So lovely! And I love the idea of freebies for the customer. Its like a thank you gift as well as a little treat for yourself! Very cool.

  7. Packaging is so important -- it shows you care about what you made!

  8. I agree! Packaging really treats your customers to a glimpse of you. That is really inspired packaging with great care and thought that went into it. I love her designs. Thanks for sharing! Enjoy the day, Lorelei!


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