Sisterly Beading

Franee and I are having a blast... we co-designed that necklace at the top.
And then I got my new Patera Bezel bracelets in the mail today from Bello Modo... so 
I was excited to try it out. First attempt was okay.... I am anxious to get my new Ice Resin in the mail...should be here in a few days. I have another of these bracelets in a copper color.

Hope you are all enjoying your weekend!!


  1. So gorgeous.
    And I have those Patera bezel bracelets. Haven't used them yet but I am playing with resin today, so maybe...
    Enjoy the day!

  2. i'm getting bombarded with bezel resin brilliance!!! between you and KJ I'm not going to be able to resist anymore. love the bracelet! also love the periwinkle and olive together in the necklace.

  3. Anonymous4/10/2010

    yah! sisters are the best aren't they? love that bracelet!

  4. Both the necklace and the bracelet are gorgeous. And I must say the new blog design rocks! I think it gives more focus to your beautiful jewelry. Nice job on everything. :)

  5. Gorgeous both the necklace and the bracelet. I think that your sister is the model, no? I hope this doesn't sound weird, but she's got a beautiful neck. So nice to be able to do this together with your sis.

  6. Really lovely Creations Lorelei! Cant wait to hear about your ice resin report. Your sister must be really pretty by what we can see! I know yall must be having a wonderful time. Tell her we all said Hi! lol

  7. You may have some design competition there! Glad you had such a good time
    *sigh* Wish my sister didn't live the other end of the continent :(

  8. Looks like you guys had a great time creating real wearble beauties.

  9. swopemelmel4/12/2010

    Wow that necklace is a real knockout !!!!! I'm sorry I missed that one !! ( Although my credit card is breathing a sigh of relief)) Franny makes a great model.

  10. swopemelmel4/13/2010

    Also meant to ask where the necklace bezel pendant is from. I really love it.

  11. The pendant is from Lynn Davis!


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