Birthday Week Book Giveaway #4, and Yesterday's Winner announced
I picked a random winner out of the 28 comments posted for this giveaway! The winner of Beadmaille Jewelry with Bead Weaving and Metal Rings by Cindy T. Pankopf is.....
MoonRae!!! Yippeeeeee! Congratulations, Sharon!!
Contact me and I'll need your address to send your awesome book!
I guarantee that you'll flip through this book ooohing and aaahhhhing over every project! I had the pleasure of meeting author Mary Hettmansperger on the Bead Cruise, year before last. She's very down to earth, and you can see her passion for jewelry and metal, just but looking her in the eye! I am enamored by her skills and I know you'll love this new book that she recently wrote. Published by Lark Books, this nice hard cover technique book rocks as much as the next one. Covering a wide array of topics on Metal Clay, sheet metal, tools, this book is a must have if you are thinking about getting into any metalworking. The projects are interesting, and unique- and they even look easy enough for me, the metalworking novice. I really wish I had 50 of these books to give away but I'm afraid I have just the one.
Leave a comment on this post and tell me:
If you had a chance to meet Mary in person, what is the one thing you would ask her and why?
I will pick a random winner tomorrow, Friday, May 21st, around 4pm.
I will then announce the last book giveaway of the week!
Mary, what are your sources of inspiration?
ReplyDeleteWhy: A couple of reasons. To discover new creative inputs or explore new ways of looking at common inputs such as nature, and to develop a process for breaking through creative blocks.
I would ask her what ''fuels '' her passion!!!
ReplyDeleteThank you for offering this book Lorelei!
Looks like a great book and I guess it would answer many of my questions! One of them would be: how do you finish your pieces, before you put them in the kiln (or torch) or do you sand them when they are all done? And do you use dry or wet sandpaper?
ReplyDeleteThanks for another wonderful giveaway:)
I'd ask her, of all of the techniques she uses, which is her all time favorite!!
ReplyDeleteWell dang if they don't keep getting better and better. I think I'm going to have to own this book. If you would be so kind as to pick my number that would leave me a little more money for which to buy more beads:) What would I ask Mary?? Hmm.. I think I would ask her, knowing what she knows now, what in her opinion is the best way to venture into metals? What is the best technique to start with so that the language of metal makes sense, making the excitement grow and keeping the frustration minimal. Thanks Lorelei! Have a great evening!!
ReplyDeleteWow, what a fantastic looking book! If I could ask Mary a question, I'd like to ask where she finds her inspiration - and how it's changed since she started designing?
ReplyDeleteHi Lorelei,
ReplyDeleteThis looks like a 'must-have' for my bookshelf, but even more for me as a very-beginner metalworker.
My question for Mary: How has precious metal clay changed they way you create?
Why? Because PMC hasn't been around too long and there were other more difficult ways to work without it.
Please drop my name in the hat, I WANT this book ;^)
Oooo, I don't have this book, and it looks awesome! I would probably ask Mary what inspires her because I am curious how others are inspired. I would also ask her how she manages her time because I could use some pointers! Thanks for the generous giveaway!!
ooh, I would love to have this book! I love Mary's style. I guess I would ask her how she arrived at her signature style since I am struggling to find mine !
ReplyDeleteWhat a great book, I haven't seen this one yet!
ReplyDeleteI would ask Mary what is her favorite snack during a marathon workshop session. It tells a lot about a person.
I. W.A.N.T. T.H.I.S. O.N.E!! I have been holding off commenting on other days, waiting for a book I really really want. This one is it!! Seriously, you have to pick me. PICK ME PICK ME!!
ReplyDeleteI would ask how much time she is able to devote to her metalworking and how she got started.
ReplyDeletewhy? just curious.
I'd have questions about soldering copper, I'm still looking for a good solder
ReplyDeleteI would also ask about where she gets her inspiration!
ReplyDeleteI would ask Mary what the most basic tools you need to work the magic she is sharing.
ReplyDeleteThis book is so interesting looking! I would ask Mary how long has she been designing jewelry and what, if any, formal training has she had?
ReplyDeleteWell mine would be a question and a request. 'Mary can you live at my house for a week?' then I could ask her a whole heap of questions all week long.
ReplyDeleteThis is not the book I thought you were talking about when we were chatting :) I don't have this one so I guess maybe I will enter in the draw :)
ReplyDeleteI don't know what I would ask Mary, I would want it to be a smart question so I would want to think about it :)
I would ask Mary for advise on choosing a good beginner project. Thanks for having these great book giveaways.
ReplyDeleteWhat great books! I would ask Mary - do you ever have any fear/trepidation when starting with a new media, and if so, how do you get past it? Why? Because I received a metal clay kit 3 YEARS ago that I have been afraid to try...and I really want to!
ReplyDeleteOoooo...I'd love to have this book! And I'd love to meet Mary...her books are just fabulous! I'd love to find out how she got started in making jewelry and what her inspiration is for her work.
ReplyDeletewell, this is probably not what most people would ask, but I would ask how she pitched her book idea to Lark and how it all went down, because doing my own book is a long-term goal of mine, and I really like Lark publishing. And I would also like to own that book, please.
I would ask Mary, "what's the best way to begin or try this hobby without investing alot of money until your sure it's right for you."
ReplyDeleteI have the firts two book of Mary and i need to win this one for my collection,i love her.
Martin Caraballo
I took a look at her fiber arts and metalwork and wondered which started to influence which?
I would ask her to write another book:-) regards Stefanie
ReplyDeleteWOWZA! What a cool book! Well I'd have to ask Mary how she got started in metals-where she finds inspiration and exactly how to develop your own key style.
I would ask Mary which metal she prefers working in and which is her favourite technique.
ReplyDeleteI would ask her whether she prefers to work in PMC or sheet metal? Why? As someone who works in sheet but has yet to try PMC I'm certainly interested in her take on both mediums. Thanks for holding this giveaway!
ReplyDeleteI'd ask how she got started working with metal,and what did she put on her hands to keep them from getting all beat up-as mine do.
ReplyDeleteThis book looks awesome. I would ask her how she comes up with projects for the book?
ReplyDeleteOh, what a great sounding book! I love metals, and I'm also a new metalworker!
ReplyDeleteI would ask Mary what her favorite tool is, and what her favorite technique is... Yes, I know that is two questions but I love hearing from people who are passionate about working with metal!
I"ll try again. . . Each book looks better than the next. Since I am also a writer, I would ask her how writing a book compared to making jewelry as a creative process. Thanks for this fun week of giveaways. YOu are inspiring me to think about how to celebrate my b-day next month in blogland.
ReplyDeleteI would ask her why she prefers cold connections over soldering? I'm so intimidated with the thought of soldering! Just curious.
ReplyDeleteThanks Lorelei, for the offer!!
Thank you Lorelei, I hope you are having a super week!
ReplyDeleteI would ask her if I could have her autograph on the book that I will win at Lorelei's giveaway?
Funny...but I did meet Mary by chance last year at Bead & Button. As I recall, we were standing in the lobby admiring the Bead Dreams entries. In fact, I do believe that we were looking at Melissa Lee's stunning curiosity cabinet piece from last year. And we both commented about how awesome it was. I didn't realize who she was until Heather walked up. She is the nicest person. Would love to take a class with her. And this book looks awesome!
ReplyDeleteI would love to do more metal work of my own. I guess I would ask her what tools would get me started and how to get over my fear of fire in the paper laden basement that I call a studio.
Enjoy the day!
Hi Lorelei --
ReplyDeleteThis book looks so beautiful, so full of inspiration to make one do better, think deeper. I went to Mary's website gallery and my jaw dropped. You know how some people's work/art makes you realize just how much you have to learn? [sigh] I'd ask Mary if she ever felt it took courage to create -- if she had to beat back the temptation to be conventional... in other words, to go for beautiful instead of merely pretty.
Thanks --
I would ask her what she thinks is the next big thing!
I would ask her what her favorite metal is and why.
ReplyDeleteI would ask what the most accessible place to start is for someone who is basically a bead stringer.
ReplyDeleteOh goodie another great book! Well I would ask her if she has a clean house and food on the table lol! Kidding here bc when I get going the heck with the house and the food..they can all fend for themselves! lol I would ask her what her fave work in metal is? Thanks for this Lori!
ReplyDeletewow, this book looks great. I love her book Wrap, Stitch, Rivet, and would love to see another of hers.
ReplyDeleteMy question for Mary would be: How do you choose which final projects to include in your books? Is there a criteria your projects need to follow?
Lorelei - If I were to meet Mary in person, I would hope it would be at Arrowmont and that I would be able to see a sampling of her craft. As she is also a basketweaver, I would want to know which came first, weaving or metal, and the inspiration behind incorporating weaving techniques into her metalwork! Looks like a great book, and hope I am a winner! Thanks for the opportunity! Debby
ReplyDeleteI would ask Mary if she feels the need to follow design trends or to just follow her instincts when designing her work.
ReplyDeleteI really have no luck with drawings but whatever ! I would really like to ask Mary how did she started and why. And anlso if she inspires herself from other people or if she has a really personal way of designing her pieces.
"If you had to use one medium for jewelry for the rest of your life, what would it be?"
ReplyDeleteI wonder what she'd say.... metal clay, perhaps?
I would like to know how she gets her ideas- and creativity from?
ReplyDeleteI would ask her what her favorite tool and technique is and why. Looks like an inspiring book. Hope to win.
ReplyDeleteOohhh...another book by Mary! I did take a class with her and she is a really cool, laid back woman.
ReplyDeleteI would ask Mary...what made her sparked her transition from basketweaving to weaving with wire? This process really intrigues me.
Thanks and Bead Happy!
je ne sais que lui demander car je ne connais pas ces talents mais par contre j'ai votƩ pour vous car je trop fan de vous
Count me in.
ReplyDeleteI'd ask her about the first metal piece she made.
Looks like a great book to have. I would ask Mary if she ever hits a dry spell in creating and what she does to overcome it. It seems like I have gone through a couple dry spells already this year and could use some pointers on how to get out of them.
This book looks fabulous a must have if I'm not the lucky winner!!!
ReplyDeleteI would ask Mary what one thing she absolutely can't do without in her studio and why!
Enjoy your weekend...
What is your favourite medium to work with, if you had to pick one?
ReplyDeleteThanks for another great giveaway!
I'd ask her where she draws her isnpeirations from, and how I'd also ask how he has her studio arragned and set up for the most creativity to be drawn?
ReplyDeleteAwesome book!
So inspiring! I'd ask, "What's your favorite material to combine with metal?" I'm interested in adding more elements to my fabric collages and I think metal would be so interesting!
ReplyDeleteHow did you get interested in metal work? I think it is very interesting to hear stories of how others got started.
ReplyDeleteWas metal work the beginning of your jewelry making? Love to see the book.
What an awesome looking book. I would ask Mary if we could see her studio. I love to see where people work, don't you? For instance I love the blue color you have on your walls Lorelei.
ReplyDeleteThe book looks awesome. I would love to be the winner and meet her also as I am getting more into metal work. I guess I would ask her advise on getting started - what the basics would be - what order to learn things - something like that. Like someone else said, I would want it to be smart so I would reword it better.
ReplyDeleteWow! Awesome book. I would want to ask Mary how long it took to develope her style and what inspires her. I am still trying to find mine!
I would ask her to show me her personal favorite piece....