Creative Jewelry TOOT TOOT

by the kind generosity of Kelly Morgan, she sent me these
nice scans from the magazine. Thanks Kelly!

Be on the look out for the new Creative Jewelry 2010 issue, on shelves soon! I have 7 projects in this book- some are NEVER BEFORE SEEN!! Just thought I'd drop in and toot my own horn for a second! This is a great issue, full of all my beady blogging friends, and a few that I haven't met yet. I hope you support all of us, and snag this issue for your beading library, it's an inspiration must-have!


  1. only seven? lol.
    btw- loving all the new items as always. you keep folks hooked with new things every day! I'm not jealous, nope. uh-uh, not me.

  2. Wow, congrats. I'll have to check this out. You are the girl. :)

  3. Congratulations! I'll keep my eye out for it!

  4. many congratulations! your jewelry is awesome :)

  5. They should've just renamed it "Lorelei's Creative Jewelry." You are on like every page, girl!

    Oh, and nice scans btw ;-) You're welcome. :-D

  6. Congratulations!! TOOT TOOT away girl!!

  7. U rawk girl. Congrats on the TooT x 7!

  8. I will keep an eye out for that one! Congratulations!

  9. Ooo..Ooo Looking forward to picking that up, hopefully this weekend! I LOVE collecting publications with my favorite bead buds! ;)

  10. Congratulations seven times over. How truly exciting for you. I shall need to have this publication. Happy creating...

  11. That awesome, Lori. To0t-toot! I LOVE Creative Jewelry Magazine. You can bet it will be added to my library!

  12. Nice Toot Tooting! Im checking this out today!

  13. Saw it at Borders already. Looks great. Love your advice about social blogging. Your blog truly rocks. Congrats. You must feel so excited. I know I was when I got on TV my first time. Then I just felt like I was Carol Duval the second time I did my beading demo. It's a rush being able to talk about what you love to do. Again, congrats. Keep up the good advice.

  14. I picked it up and I have to say that while flipping through it during that first look, I immediately locked onto your bracelet, Oceanic, as my fave. It is such a great piece!! Congrats on all the great work! Hope your vacation is fabulous!


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