A Sale at My Mom Pattie

If you didn't know, I sell some of my jewelry at Marsha Neal's Shop: My Mom Pattie. To read more about the goal of this shop, go here and read details at the side bar on the right.

some Lorelei Eurto pieces from the shop.

 Mark Your Calendars!    On Friday, January 28th you can use the coupon code "MMP20" to have 20% taken off your order (excluding shipping). The sale ends on Sunday January 30th.

Take advantage of this wonderful cause and SALE! 

 Oh, and just FYI - purchases through the MMP shop automatically get you entered into a drawing Marsha has over on the Marsha Neal Studio Specials Blog for January. AND! There's MORE!
If you purchase something in my Etsy store that incorporates one of a Marsha's Beads/Pendants, 
 Contact Marsha by the 12th and leave her a link and she'll enter you in the drawing!
