24 Hour Giveaway: Golem Studio


 Vlad and Kremena of Golem Studio donated these Gorgeous Pendant and bead sets for my next blog giveaway! Aren't they stunning! A pretty Lace pattern pendant in black and ivory, and the beads match perfectly in their coloring, but have a different carved design. These beads have a value of $32.55. Thank you Golem Studio for your generous giveaway prize!!

 To enter to win, you have 24 hours to leave 1 comment on this post. I will pick one random winner at 6:30am on Wednesday morning.

Please leave a comment answering the following question: What is your favorite thing about Spring?

 If you want to shop for Golem beads  in person, head over to to Bead & Button, in Milwaukee, WI on June 10-12, 2011. Golem Studio will be exhibiting there - BOOTH #111! If you stop by, tell them I said Hello!


  1. My favorite thing about this Spring is that I am in my first home. I have birds that awake me each morning and I am going to have room for a garage studio for lampwork and an indoor office for my business. I'll be able to design, design, design. It feels like a fresh start for me which is what Spring is all about!~

  2. My fav thing are the blooming flowers and the scent everywhere:-)

  3. Ah Spring, when I think of you mini hyacinth comes to mind and brings a smile to my heart similar to when a rainbow appears after a rainy day.

  4. Definitely the flowers...it's like a painting come to life.

  5. I really love the longer days and sunshine! Wisconsin winter's are very gray and bleak - and LONG. Too long. In winter I drive to and from work in the dark. Now I have a few hours of daylight when I get home.

  6. I love spring it makes me feel all full of hope and energy and the sense of new things, not to mention the weather change. Although in the UK( a nation obessed with the weather)it doesn't always promise warmth.

  7. What do I like best about Spring?
    The colors of course, the vibrant green grass,yellow daffodils red tulips..but I'd love those black and white beauties you're giving away!

  8. Lilacs! I smelled them for the first time yesterday while walking my son to school.

  9. Gorgeous pendant and beads!! My favorite thing about spring is that it signifies the end of my least favorite season, winter.

  10. Good morning! My favorite thing about spring is the bright colors, the sunlight and the flowers! Okay that is 3.
    That is a gorgeous set.

  11. Hi Lorelei, my fav thing about spring? It's a time for new beginnings when the colorful sleeping bulbs awaken from their long winter slumber to a cascade of colors,longer day's,warm spring evenings.Your giveaway is absolutly beautiful i would love to win thanks for another giveaway!!ttfn L:)

  12. My favourite thing about Spring is definitely the longer days! It's like being given the gift of time! Who doesn't need more time?

  13. My favorite thing about spring is the Flower & Garden festival out at Epcot. My son loves seeing all of the characters made out of flowers.

  14. Spring is a new beginning with all of nature re-awakening and making everything around us new and fresh.

  15. Wonderful Giveaway Lorelei! The thing I love about Spring is the way the leaves bud out the colour green that you only see when they 1st bud out, and all the beautiful springtime flowers only seen in Spring! The expectations of all things new!

  16. Spring peepers at night singing in a chorus...and campfires.

  17. Those are so pretty.
    My favorite thing about spring is all the new growth of my plants and rebirth of my perennials. I can't stay out of the garden centers as soon as spring seems to be starting.


  18. Hi Lorelei,
    those are very nice beads and pendant :)lovely giveaway !
    opposite to spring in a way with those colors..
    What I love most about spring ...guess it is the rebirth of all plants sleeping during the winter time over here in this cold climate / I am a garden freek :) In a way also a rebirth of people hiding inside during winter like bears now showing up outside faces lifted towards the sun

  19. Love black and white and love Golem designs. These are beautiful. My favorite thing about spring is the newness that it brings every year. I love watching the flowers spurt up from the ground and grow green and the trees bud and leaves form. Just an exciting time of year.

  20. Thanks for the giveaway again.
    Love this set!
    I love the Green everywhere and the tulips!

  21. Ooh, Golem beads. Have some and love 'em! Spring - I love the longer days. There seems to be so much more time!
    Love it!


  22. Anonymous5/03/2011

    I love springtime in Wisconsin! My favorite thing is watching my flowers come up bit by bit, especially the bleeding heart bush.

    Tara L.

  23. My favorite thing about spring is the green! I love seeing everything greening up after a winter of browns. Just lovely!

    Love the beads and pendant! So pretty!

    pupton58 at gmail dot com

  24. Forsythia!!!! Love these...

  25. beautiful beads, thanks for sharing these with this great giveaway. my favorite thing about Spring is the early sunrise,and longer days in general.

  26. The incredible wildflower bloom in California Valley. Lupine, California poppies, shooting stars, millions and millions of them!
    Great giveaway!

  27. My favorite thing about Spring are the smells of blooming flowers and fresh cut grass

  28. Louise Turner5/03/2011

    Spring - makes me look forward to the beautiful long days of the year ahead. Behind me once again are the winter blues and I am left feeling refreshed and re-energised to start being creative again.


  29. There is so much to choose from - the flowers blooming, the sun is out more and we can work in the garage without freezing.

  30. It's hard to say in Florida since it was 91 degrees yesterday. But if I lived up north I would say the flowers, lots and lots of flowers after the snow.

  31. My favorite thing about spring is seeing everything turn green again :)

  32. Anonymous5/03/2011

    Dans le midi de la France le printemps c'est que du bonheur,
    beaucoup de senteurs dans la garrigue le chevrefeuille, le thym, le romarin,etc.....

  33. The smell.
    I love when the orange tree blossoms start to open and the smell is amazing. The word in Spanish for the orange tree flower is Azahar. I love that word. I also love the smell of wet dirt. When it starts raining, there is a smell that is fresh. And of course I love the smell of the many flowers that we get in Spring.
    So I would love to have that gorgeous pendant with those beautiful flowers, so please count me in. Thanks.

  34. I love seeing the leaves just starting to open, changing the midwest from grays and browns to wonderful green freshness little by little. Thank you and Golem Studio for a fun giveaway. Love their things and will definitely find them at Bead & Button.

  35. Ohhhh! Love these! My favorite thing about Spring is having the windows open for the first time!

  36. My favorite thing about spring, apart from the spectacular colors of green all around me, is being able to wear sandals again. By this time of year, I am sick of socks and closed toed shoes. Now my feet are free again.

  37. My favorite thing about spring is the fresh air. Changing seasons always provides opportunity for new beginnings and the fresh air of spring just breathes life into it.

  38. ItĀ“s not only one thing, there are many favorite things: the longer days, the sunshine, the leaves coming out and the flowers evrywhere!

  39. Anonymous5/03/2011

    My favorite thing about Spring is opening the windows at night and hearing the lovely sound of the Spring peeper frogs! Beautiful giveaway!

  40. That would have to be flowers. I have a lot of childhood memories associated with spring woodland flowers in particular.

  41. Lovely giveaway prize!!!

    Let's see, my favorite thing about spring would have to be the fresh air. I love going out in the morning and breathing in that fresh air, and opening the windows to let it all in.

  42. Not so much here in Houston, but when I lived up North it was two things that made my heart sing: 1)the million different colors of green that would sprout all at the same time making the view from anywhere just fantastic and 2) the smell of the world after a spring rain. Love that. Also love Golem stuff. Thanks for giving it away!!

  43. One word: TULIPS.


  44. I love the smell of things blooming!

  45. Anonymous5/03/2011

    My favorite thing about Spring is how rejuvenated I feel by the emergence of flowers, leaves, baby birds, bees and lightning bugs; the cool breeze, the smell of rain in the air. It just breathes new life into me at the very minute when I think I cannot take the cold any longer!!

    Laura M

  46. Seems obvious, but my favorite thing about spring is the flowers! I love how everything is in bloom and smells wonderful, and I also love harvesting from our garden. Love Golem Studio - thanks for the giveaway!!

  47. My favorite thing about Spring are the daffodils -- they were by far my mom's favorite flower. Now every Spring, I feel a bit closer to her when they start to bloom, as if she's sending them to say hi.

  48. My favorite thing about spring is the flowers, and rain. I love the light spring rain, and the smell afterwards. I also love all the beautiful birds and butterflies that come around during spring. Love Golem Studio, Have a wonderful day!!

  49. Ooooh! Pretty! Favorite thing about spring is the rebirth of my garden. I love it! It's joyous!

  50. Well, its spring most of the year here in san diego. (whats not to love?) But I especially like it when my herb garden starts to come back after the sparse winter months when I have to use them very conservatively. Love the black and white beads!

  51. Anonymous5/03/2011

    My favorite thing about Spring is the bright flowers, green grass, fresh scent of life in the air, warm sunshine, and singing birds. I just love Spring. Maybe I am a little biased since I was born in the Spring. :)

    Warm Wishes,
    Angela Buschmann

  52. Spring always makes me think of new starts and this year it means exactly that for me. I am being retrenched and hope to be able to get my little online business going. Wish me luck.

    baychriz at gmail dot com

  53. My favorite thing about spring is the color green, but we still in winter where I live, so it's good I love snow.


  54. Wow! Those beads are gorgeous. My favorite thing of spring is the singing of the birds.

  55. Anonymous5/03/2011

    my favorite.. hummingbirds! they arrived last week. sweet tiny birds that travel so far.. welcome back!

  56. All the shades of green. Nature's eye candy :)

    Great givaway! Please count me in.

  57. My favourite thing about spring is riding my bike to work everyday - I follow a pathway near a river and it is a scenic and peaceful ride.

  58. Spring = flowers! My fingers are so crossed for these beads/pendant. Thanks for the chance!

  59. My favorite thing about spring is knowing that the temps are getting warmer so that I can fill up the "baby pool" for my yellow lab and best friend Sam - he lives for water!

    Gorgeous beads!

  60. My favorite thing about Spring is EVERYTHING!! Birds singing, flowers blooming, green leaves and grass!
    The beads are so fabulous! Thanks for the chance to win them - I really hope I win!!

  61. Fabulous set! My favorite things about spring are the flowers and getting the kids bikes out of storage.

    Thanks for the chance.

  62. My very favorite thing about spring is sleeping with the windows open and the overhead fan whirring, no blankets on the bed - just a sheet.

    You didn't ask, but my least favorite thing about spring is how it eventually turns into summer. Blargh!

  63. The smell of the flowers, Flox,Wysteria,all of them! Beautiful B&W beads

  64. Spring is relative here in Phoenix. What I love about spring here is the green of the foothills area that I live in. The desert seems so alive and green compared to the brown of the summer. Also, all the hummingbirds flit around.


  65. The new flowers that are springing up from the earth!!! I love spring because it means off with the heavy winter clothes and enjoying the sunshine.

  66. Spring means renewal a chance for starting afresh. Bunnies, waiting to see what bulbs planted in fall look like and longer days so I can see colors properly!

  67. Wish I could go! My favorite thing about spring is the increased daylight and when it finally comes out, sun! And pink tulips!

  68. The hummingbirds are back and the bright yellow poppies blooming in the desert.
    Thanks for offering these beautiful pieces
    ps and my gorgeous new sandals

  69. Love the spring-foward-time-change...
    What a GREAT give-away!

  70. There are SO many things - flowers, starting a garden, NOT wearing snow boots... But if I had to choose it would be the freedom to commute and travel by bicycle again!

  71. These are gorgeous beads!
    My favorite thing about Spring is definitely the flowers. I love them in the garden and filling the house with color and beauty!

  72. My favorite thing about spring is all the blooming flowers and new life!


  73. My favorite thing about spring is the sense of renewal.Opening the windows for fresh air,walking my dog and enjoying it,strawberrypies and planting my own garden.Planting 300 bulbs and forgetting where,so every day I find a new one breaking ground.

  74. Whatā€™s NOT to love about spring? One of my many faves would defiantly be road side Strawberry stands :)

  75. I am jumping in on this one! What gorgeous beads. I would say my favourite thing about this spring is the amazing weather we've had (touch wood!) so far in the UK. THe sunshine! I love the blossom and just being able to be outside, to wear flip flops and to leave my jacket at home. ALos, as someone who works in a school, I love that there are only a couple of months until the summer holidays....unpaid for me but still, I wouldn't swap having a summer holiday for anything :-)

  76. I love the smell of the orange blossoms and the birds chirping, busy making nests...then I know it is springtime! 8D

  77. The chartreuse color of the trees as they are just starting to bud, grape hyacinth and mini daffodils.

    Thanks for the chance to win these pretty beads!

  78. Spring - the shadows grow shorter, the wind is full of the perfume of the golden blooms of wattle. Birds sing sweeter and sit closely together

  79. my favorite thing about spring (in montana) is the weather. you never know what you are going to get. you could wake up to snow and the temp could be in the 50's and sunny by the afternoon. it's amazing.

    thank you for offering such a generous giveaway. these are gorgeous.

  80. being able to awaken to sunlight in the mornings! (getting out of bed in the dark at 7am is so blah...)

    then there's the warmer weather, flowers, songbirds ...

  81. On my - love the pattern on these beads.
    My fav thing about in spring is being able to spend time in my yard and tend to flowers and plants and delight in watching explode before your eyes.

  82. My son graduating from college. Thank you for the chance to win gorgeous beads

  83. the thing that i love about spring is the light. i live in interior alaska so it's *dark* all winter. now we've got ten hours of light a day and mid-summer it'll be 24 hours. sun, oh blessed sun.

  84. That it is sunny and warm, all the flowers are in bloom.

  85. I nthink my favorite thing about spring, has to be that it is a time of rebirth, all the trees and flowers comming back to life! I love to walk around my yard in the mornings just to see what is comming up, what is budding out, what is blooming, I love it and it is so energizing!

  86. swopemelmel5/03/2011

    How "lacey" all the trees look before the buds fully open into leaves and that the Hummingbirds are back. swopemelmel

  87. Wow these beads are awesome.
    My favorite thing about Spring is the sweet sound of chirping birds and the wind chimes sound as I sit on my back porch deck.
    Thanks for such a great giveaway!

  88. 6:30 a.m.? You sure are ambitious! I have to be at work by 8:30 and I roll out of bed at 7:45 - and yes, I have time to shower! LOL
    I love the black on minty colors together. Very pretty!

  89. My favorite thing about spring is that the temperatures are cool enough to enjoy the outdoors in Florida, before the hot days of summer and the onset of the hurricane season.

  90. I love spring! The new green color, flowers, the fresh smell in the air, the weather is getting warmer...What's not to love?

  91. My favorite thing about spring? the flowers. Do they cause me unbearable allergies in the form of runny noses and itchy eyes? yes. But so what? Gardens, yards, and parks the world over spring to life with beautiful colors and fresh smells, the muddy brown turns to springy green, and blogs and facebook pages light up with beautiful pictures. Who couldn't love the flowers? And I LOVE that pendant!!!!

  92. I love the flowers the most. I used to live in the Napa Valley and every spring the mustard plants under the grapevines have the most beautiful little yellow or orange flowers. It is like a carpet of color.

  93. LOL, I couldn't make it past the fact that you're getting up at 6:30 a.m. to pick a random winner!
    My favorite thing about Spring - a lot of people might groan about it, but I love the rain. It makes everything smell good. I love the sound of rain on my roof. I love knowing that it nourishes the earth beneath my feet. And every once in a while, I like a gentle thunderstorm.

  94. Gosh, I hardly ever enter clay jewelry giveaways because I make my own, and yes I have tons. But these are special because they are Vlad's.

    My favorite thing about spring is seeing the resurgence of green life, flowers, grass (mine goes totally dormant)
    and the feel of the fresh pure air in my walks early in the morning when all is silent.

  95. The best thing about Spring is...No More snow!

  96. I love seeing my garden come back to life with new growth! Thanks for the wonderful giveaway!

  97. As much as it's an inconvenience, the thing I'm loving most about spring is the rain. It always makes things feel so much more fresh for me.

    Those are gorgeous beads! The contrast is brilliant.

  98. I saw my favorite thing about spring today. Baby sparrows learning to fly. Chirping loudly about their accomplishments.

  99. Favorite thing about Spring?
    Waking up to the birds chirping outside my window every morning. Even when the early mornings are still dark as we are just coming out of winter, I know spring is near when the birds give me my wake up calls!

    Thanks Lorelei and Golem Studios! What a nice give away!

  100. I just wanted to add- I loved reading here what everyone else loves about Spring!

    And someone else mentioned it- I also LOVE the rain!

  101. Anonymous5/03/2011

    My favorite thing about spring in AZ is that all the cacti are blooming in bright lovely colors before it is too hot and everything is brown. Love Vlads beads, my favorite stop at the Tucson Gem and Mineral Show!

    This is the first Blog I have ever left a message on....

  102. My favorite thing about spring is when the green grass pokes up its head along with spring flowers like our tulips and daffodils. There is something really happy about both things.
    Thanks for the opportunity to win such beautiful beads.
    Warmest regards,

  103. Sue-Lin5/03/2011

    My favourite thing about Spring are the flowers and birds .......

  104. Here in northwestern Indiana, the end of winter two to three months of never-ending gray skies. This year we also got pounded with record snow. It was such a welcome relief when my daffodils finally broke the soil, and robins came back. I'm so happy when the robins return.

  105. Roses, first bloom. I had a Mr Lincoln, Beautiful red rose and it had incredible scent. I love the feeling of newness in spring.

  106. Great giveaway!
    My favorite thing about spring is that the new growth is everywhere - buds, flowers, nests and leaves from beneath the earth. It warms my heart to look at all the fresh colours after dull greys.

  107. My favorite thing about spring is when the robin's return and I hear them sing on my morning run.

    Good Luck everyone!

  108. Oooh i hope my entry still counts...we don't have spring here in the Philippines but I remember Spring in New Jersey when I used to live there and how I loved the temperature and how it was not too warm and not too cold!



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