Beekman Boys ARE fabulous!

I can't get enough of this show! I absolutely love it, and force Joe to tape it for me and watch it with me whenever it's on. I love the camaraderie between Josh and Brent, the farm, the baby goats, Polka Spot- everything!!

My birthday is coming up in  a few weeks (the 18th!) and one of my birthday wishes is to go to Sharon Springs so I can shop at the Beekman 1802 store, buy some of the goats milk soap and cheese they make, and maybe have a nice lunch, and if Joe was really good, he'd arrange it so that I can meet this guys.  HA HA HA HA!!! That would be really cool. omg you guys know I'm kidding! But if you know me, you'll know I get star struck just like the rest of em.

Have you seen the show? It's hilarious- the farm is gorgeous.  Here are a few videos, the first is when Rachael Ray featured them on her show,  I can't believe I missed this episode. But from this you get an idea of what the show is about. The second video is fun because I have been to Rabbit Goody's workshop in Cherry Valley and when they mentioned her on their show a couple of episodes ago, I couldn't believe it! They sell these handwoven scarfs at their shop.

Sharon Springs is only about 45 min. to an hour away from me. Cherry Valley is quite close as well.
Yea I know, I'm a dork. But if you haven't watched The Fabulous Beekman Boys, you should try to catch an episode. LOVE love love it.


  1. Cool! Thanks for the recommendation....I needed something new to watch!

  2. I love the Beekman Boys! They're hysterical....

  3. Omg I adore BB. They make farming fabulous :). We will be on the east coast in oct and my hubby planned a sharon springs stop for me. I'm so excited! You have to stop at the american hotel too!!

  4. This is the area that I come from originally. I don't think it was ever so cool back then! I'll have to give the BB a try! Thanks.

  5. I mentioned getting a miniature goat for our property and my friend Jenny told me to check these guys out. They seem really cool and oddly familiar. Maybe I met them before in my former life in New York... who knows?

    Anyway, you might want to check out their book The Bucolic Plauge.

  6. Thanks so much for the shout out! Come visit us in Sharon Springs!


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