The Shadow Box Challenge Participants List

This reminds me back in the day when I was in school and had to run to see if I made the list for some club or group. So before you all start hurting each other by trampling to get to the list, here it is, in no particular order.

1.Lucid Moon Studio
2. Ann Rishell
3. Malin de Koning

4. Gray Girl Studios
5. Maria Grimes
6. Beads of Busy Gals- Elizabeth

7. The Silly Pearl
8. Shay Stone- Shays creative journey
9. LissC

10. the Beading Yogini
11. Grubbi
12. Jenny Davies- Reazor

13. Beth of Elizabeth Williams
14. Artybecca
15. Stefanies Sammelsurium

16. KreativeKsapylet
17. Shirley- Beads & Bread
18. Hilary Frye- Frye Style

19. Heather Wynn Millican
20. Staci Louise
21. Suzette- Ellie's Bijoux

22. Marina - Fanciful Devices
23. Andrew Thornton

If you see yourself on the list, Please email me asap with  your mailing address.  Please do this as soon as possible so that you'll have more time to get something made before the Aug. 27 Reveal date. I will ship you a bezel in the next few days. Still trying to think of the cheapest and best and safest way to mail out all these packages.

Create a piece using the bezel, photograph it and write your post. I will put together a blog post on my blog at least 2 days before reveal day,  where all the participants links will be active. Come on over, copy paste the list, and please post this list in your blog post.

Here is how a blog hop works successfully. You should be able to click the #1 link, and then on that blog, click the #2 link, and on that blog, click the #3 link.
Let me try to explain this better. Everyone should be posting the full list of participants and once they copy and paste the live link list to their blog, people should be able to click through each person's blog,  link by link by link. does that make sense?
Flowing easily from one blog to the next without going back to the original blog that showed the list. 

Any questions, shoot me an email!
Glad to see the enthusiasm for this challenge!! I look forward to doing more like this in the future!


  1. Yay! How much fun!


  2. Yay! How much fun!


  3. I'm so excited to start creating as well as or the blog hop! Thanks Lorelei!

  4. Yay!!!!! I made the list! I am soooo happy. Can;t wait to blog hop. These components are so fun...gonna be great to see what everyone does!

  5. YES! Lucky me!
    Thank you!
    This will be such great fun!

  6. This is a really great idea. I'm looking forward to seeing the creativity happen.

  7. Congratulations to all of you that won. Looking forward to seeing what everyone has created.

  8. CONGRATS!!! to all the winners. Can't wait for the big reveal-day


  9. THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    OMG IM SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. Anonymous7/19/2011

    Thanks Lorelei! You made my day!

  11. Yippie!
    This is going to be so fun!

  12. I am so stoked. Thank you Lorelei :)

  13. So super excited! BTW if you need I can shoot you over the money for my shipping via pay pal. I totally get how expensive it is to ship one item these days much less 23. Post isn't cheap!

    Cant' wait to start playing, and to see what everyone comes up with :)

  14. Oh my, I can't believe it. Thank you. THANK YOU! Doing the happy dance here, your happy camper, Stefanie

  15. Really looking forward to joining in with this! Am happy to pay my postage via Paypal too. x

  16. YEA!!!! I got my lil box today and I'm sooo excited!!! I love the color I got too!!

    I've never been chosen to participate in anything like this so I'm extra excited to have won a spot, and to get to participate.

    I have absolutely no idea what I'm going to make with it, but it will be fun coming up with something. Can't wait to see what everyone else creates.

    Thanks again!!


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