500 Silver jewelry Designs: A Review

Here's another one. I really love Lark Books' 500 series and this one is no exception. A book chock full of the most exquisite, thought provoking jewelry designs using silver, can really make your heart start pumping and your mind start racing with inspiration.

This gallery style book is 420 pages long, and includes many up and coming jewelry artists such as Chris Irick who actually teaches jewelry classes at Pratt, right across the street from the Munson- Williams- Proctor- museum where I work! The piece shown in the book is actually part of the museum's collection, it is STUNNING!

Cutting edge jewelry designs whet my appetite, and I know they will wet yours. Although many are still quite un-wearable- it is still fun to see such funky designs and I love how some of the pieces were photographed on a model so you can actually get a good idea of how the piece is worn.

This would make a fantastic gift for that beginner Silversmith that you might know. I know one and will be giving this to her this evening. :)

I was not paid or compensated to do this book review in any way shape or form. These thoughts are just my own opinions about this particular title.


  1. What a stunning cover. I can't wait to look this one over. I think you meant "whet" your appetite! :-)

    Have a great day!

  2. Ooh! It's out!
    Thanks for the review, toots!

  3. looks great! i will have to check it out.

  4. I agree with you - I've recently seen this book and it's beautiful and inspiring! I'll be adding it to my wish list :-)

  5. i haven't got this book yet i do wanna have a view.

  6. Anonymous1/25/2012

    Really Nice!


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