Ring a Day by Marthe Le Van: A Book Review

I have been a real slackass when it comes to doing book reviews, so I am going to make an effort to at least try to get one written once a week.

I'm sure you've all heard of that online Flickr Group, RAD, Ring A Day or RAW, Ring a Week- okay well they made a book of 700 of the rings from the Ring a Day group.

It came in the mail the other day. I was flipping through it  this morning,  and it's really cool. Although in my opinion, quite a few of these rings are really unwearable, as is quite a bit of modern jewelry these days. I guess I'm more into functional jewelry- BUT, there are some seriously talented artists included in this collection.

My favorite part of the book is how artists give little commentaries about the process as their rings took shape. It's interesting to know that the rings didn't just form  in their minds automatically but that there was much more of a thought process.
So if you are looking for a How To on making rings, this isn't it, but if you want something to spark your imagination and get you thinking outside the box, the book is a definite must-have! 
Published by Lark Books, and is available at all major book stores such as Barnes and Noble or Amazon. Enjoy!

I was not paid or compensated for this review in any way, and these are just own opinions of this particular book.
