Last Show of the Year

Last weekend I loaded up my car with wood crates, bins of jewelry, earrings on cards, clothespins, bags, tissue, and all the other fixings for my last show of the 2011. Headed on over to the Jewish Temple where the 3rd Annual Raise the Roof event was happening for 2 days. In the past, this show has been really quite successful for me. I walked in expecting it to be the same this year, but was disappointed when the sales and the people just weren't there. It could have been worse. I did make a little money, but I am glad that I wasn't financially counting on that money for something important. I'll be able to restock my needed supplies and maybe put the rest away in savings.

I convinced my friend Theresa to come help me for the weekend. Although she doesn't feel like she really did anything except load and  unload the car, and stood there hooting it up with me all weekend, that really was the icing on the cake. I knew Joe wasn't really into sitting there with me all weekend, so I am so grateful that she helped out and hung out, hooting and all!

The display turned out nice. I did it a little different than the show at Harvest Fest because I didn't want to pile the boxes too high, knowing I was standing behind them.  So I stacked them just enough so that I could still conversate with customers as they came by. People really love the leaded glass window, so I brought that again, and displayed necklaces on it.

Here are some pictures from the show!


  1. Lorelei, I love your booth! How nice to have someone there with you and hooting it up for you!

    Sorry your sales were down. I've noticed my sales have decreased dramatically in the last two and a half years. I do hope it will pick up or I may have to give up the ship. With the cost of driving, meals, etc., it's almost not worth all the effort anymore. I will be evaluating all this in the next year.

  2. Your booth looks great. And sorry, that the sales were down. It is the same here in Germany, everyone worries about the Euro and the economy and stays put. Hopefully this crisis can be resolved.

  3. Oh, I so love your booth! The style just says come in and play with all the pretties! I can see why everyone loved the glass window. It's beautiful all by itself, which draws someone to it, then it has your gorgeous necklaces laying on it. The tiny clothespins are just too cute. I'm so glad you got to hang out with your girlfriend, and your hubs got to hang at home. :)

  4. Your booth looks so nice, and I love that window! You are lucky to have a friend with you at the can be sooooo boring by yourself! Esp if you aren't busy with customers :-( Hopefully your last show will be a hit!

  5. Lorelei, your booth is fantastic. Here in Alaska we are not hit so hard. Our sales went dramatically up from last year so I thought we were all over the worst of it. It is disheartening to hear that is not necessarily so. Your jewelry is gorgeous, as always, so don't take it too personally.

  6. Oh girl, I can so relate to this. It's very disappointing when you pour your heart and soul into making a craft, setup shop, and the return just isn't there.

    But, your setup is awesome!!! :)

  7. I love your display and have done something very much like it. Mine stands quite high and I just sit beside the table and not behind it. The stool you used is extremely cute :)

  8. Sweet booth - love the little touches of spot lighting here and there.


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