Great Articles

I read 3 really great articles today about Pinterest and Pinterest Etiquette. Since I don't have anything new to share today, I figured I would pass these along! I am recently a huge fan of Pinterest but believe it or not, as with everything, there is a way to do it right. Please enjoy the following posts:



  1. Thanks, as always, for sharing. Have a great weekend.

  2. Thanks for sharing those articles! I know a lot of people follow the board where I post all of the Ryan Gosling "Hey Girls" why not update my info so they might see my Etsy shop??

    I hope you're having a great Friday!

  3. Thanks for sharing these sites. Some great information.

  4. Thanks for mentioning my article, Lorelei!

  5. Thanks! I'm still learning and this helps.

  6. Thanks for the links! I never thought of it as a marketing tool, but that is such a smart idea.

    p.s. your blog revamping has me hearting blog templates on etsy. i had no idea you could get a template and they install it for you. genius! But then again, the money i spend on blog design is money i take away from bead shopping. hmmmmmm.


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