eBook is ready!

I hope to God this works! First time for everything. The eBook is now ready. Click this  LINK below the pic for the link to the page where you can buy it now.


eBook is NOW available on ETSY as well.
I figured out a way to do it, and will be sending
the links in emails to all etsy purchasers.

Still Working out some kinks about this.


  1. Just bought mine, and I'm looking forward to seeing it!

  2. Just bought mine!!

  3. Anonymous4/01/2012

    I bought mine and everything worked just great. The ebook looks great and I can't wait to sit and read through it and apply it!! The photos look awesome!!
    THANKS so very much!
    Kim (Texas)

  4. Looks great but when I click on the pic it just shows the pic and no more.

  5. Just bought my copy! I really admire your talent so thank you so very much for sharing your gift with others :)

  6. Hi Love,
    Just purchased my copy. I know this will be a great success for you! Congratulations!

  7. Yay! Looking forward to reading my copy when it comes through! Hope you work those kinks out.

  8. just ordered a copy...can't wait to see it.

  9. Agree - took some time to get use to asymmetrical design ... and I'm still working on my fear of it! will have to try your tips!

  10. WOW you were fast! I'm still working on mine.

  11. I have just got the e-book and although I was iffy about buying it I am delighted with it and it has certainly helped me understand asymmetry a lot better. I will now try to do some of my own using her tips. Many many thanks.


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