Hump Day

I made it through Tuesday. I thank you all for your kind comments and love and support. The tax appt went well. We were nervous about it all day and when we returned from the doctor appt, and talked to the tax preparator, we got great news. So so relieved. Last year was such a nightmare. Unfortunately last years tax lady really screwed up. Glad to know we have a new tax lady and she is wonderful. She may even be able to amend last years taxes. We'll see what happens.

As for the doctor appt, that went well too. Just some minor tests, an ultrasound, and some bloodwork. The next steps were explained in detail and we are both so happy to know that all of the testing with exception to IVF will be covered under our insurance. So, there is a lot we can try before getting to that major step.  We are feeling hopeful and happy that we have started on this path.  Looking forward to getting some answers, and working around whatever obstacles we can.

Last night yielded some happy jewelry designs- my mood was the best it's been in quite some time.


  1. YAY! I love it when good things happen to good people. Have a wonderful day!!!

  2. Anonymous4/11/2012

    So glad your appts went well, Lorelei! Love the ladybugs! Also really like the ginger ale pendant - did you make that?

  3. Huzzah! good news is always welcome, give yourself a big hug of happy today. Treat yourself to a frozen yogurt, sit in the sunshine and bask. YAY!
    Ooooo, Lorelei - the gingerale looks ADORABLE! I love it.
    Thanks, thanks!

  4. So glad both appointments went well!

  5. I thought of you off and on all day yesterday. So happy to hear things went well!! :-)

  6. relieved to hear the appointments went well..
    over the hump and on toward a great weekend

  7. Anonymous4/11/2012

    I am new to your blog, thanks for sharing the art of your jewelry. The creative results of a day walked through bravely are wonderful things!

  8. Oh, so glad to hear all this great news! The jewelry from last night is really cute, too!

  9. Tee Hee :) You may need that ginger ale that you put in a necklace soon enough :) Happy Hump day.

  10. Glad you got some good news! The jewelry is nummy looking. Love it.

  11. Yay! Happy to hear everything went well - here's to more good news in the future!!

  12. Anonymous4/11/2012

    So happy for your good news!
    Better stock pile some finished jewelry before pitter patter feet come along :)
    I do love your finished pretties. Especially the ginger ale necklace.

  13. What happy jewelry! Relax and enjoy these moments, and Breathe and embrace the good news!

  14. This jewelry is absolutely beautiful!

  15. Lorelei, things are looking up in all areas! I am so happy for you. And that jewellery just shines! Jane x

  16. pretty, happy jewelry!! take care of yourself!!

  17. Glad to hear things went well for you. The jewelry is lovely, as always!!


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