Skipped Tuesday

Well look at that. I skipped Tuesday altogether. I didn't mean to but it's just been super crazy at work. Not only that but I am working on a new eBook. At first I thought if it would be enough content but am now finding after 103 screen shots, and 9-1/2 pages of written text- it will be more than enough.

I am sure there are people out there who follow blogs but don't have one of their own. I know a few of these people on Facebook.  I think Blogging can be intimidating. Lots of questions arise like- what do I write about, and who the heck is going to read it. I had these very same thoughts back when I started blogging in 2007.   In this day and age though, blogging goes hand in hand with craft/art/jewelry/ whatever.  It's one of the best tools to help promote your business, no matter who big or small.
As an example, I have met some of the most wonderful people and have forged the best friendships through my blog.

My eBook will show you how to start your own basic Blogger  formatted blog from start to finish. But I also will cover things like making your own banner, customizing the look, some basics on how to install things via html code, easy photo editing and MORE.

I am sure that this has been covered before. I just know that for me, a very visual document like the one I am creating would help me. So I am including many screen shots so that people will be able to follow along with each step- and see what each screen looks like. It literally is a Step by Step process.

It will be ready in a few days. I have to type everything up and get it into a document/ PDF format for download.  I do hope it's something that people will be interested in and helpful for them to use.
I am not sure if I should call it an eBook or an eCourse. and am still working on a title.

I can't really help with Blogger glitches- I deal with those on a regular basis too but all in all I think Blogger is one of the very best places to start blogging. It's Free, and so user-friendly and easy.

Please leave comments today if you feel I should cover some specifics in my instructions. Anything you with you knew how to do but can't figure out?


  1. Dear Lorelei, I look forward immensely to your info on blogging, I have started one but more help is always so welcome:)
    But do you know what arrived in the mail all the way from you to Australia today? That's right, Bohemian-inspried jewelery! To say I am thrilled is an understatement! This beautiful book is exactly what I need to make my lovely potato beads jump for joy! Thank you Lorelei and Erin too, for this brilliant book with all I need to make my potato jewellery fly!

  2. Wowww...very very beautiful flowers :-)

  3. Nancy Moore5/23/2012

    Dear Lorelei, Your e-book comes at a wonderful time for me. I don't even know where to begin creating a blog and sometimes it seems like there's too much to learn to have a successful blog (like yours!). Can't wait to get my hands on it. Thanks for thinking of people like me. I can knit a sweater but am stumped at a blog.

  4. Recently I've missed a lot of Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays. Oh and Mondays too! So it's easy to understand how one can blink and there goes the day and the opportunity to post. Good luck with the eBook!

  5. Great idea and so helpful.Good luck with it all.
    Love those stunning iris.

  6. I am so excited about learning to customize my blog! I think your ebook sounds great!

  7. Great Idea lorelei! I would love to know how to add a banner to my blog. I love how you change yours all the time!

  8. I have to admit, customizing is an area where I have a hard time. My blog template is generic, and I wish I knew how to customize it, and make it more mine. Looking forward to seeing your ebook!

  9. I FINALLY got the basics down (and got a custom banner) but I've never spent the time figuring out all of the sidebar stuff (and the protocol for putting links in your sidebar). Blogger does drive me a bit crazy with my lack of complete understanding. (Well, maybe it's not really Blogger's fault.)

  10. I would love to know how to make my own banner and edit photos.

  11. I'm interested in learning how to change your favicon. Also excited about learning to make my own banner.

  12. I'm interested in learning how to change your favicon. Also excited about learning to make my own banner.

  13. Great timing with Blogger making changes. I would love to add different pictures from other places than my own stash. I also would like to create angles and framed parts. Also the floating pictures at the top. That might be more than you planned but those are all cool features in enjoy on other peoples blogs. Thanks Cherrie

  14. Anonymous5/24/2012

    I was really excited to see this. I have had a blog for years but never made the most of it. I get overwhelmed with it but had been thinking it was time to really get serious about it so perfect timing for me on your book.


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