101 Necklaces, Bracelets and Earrings

Happy Tuesday!

Be sure to pick up your copy, out in digital format now, at Interweave, or your local book store in a few weeks. I have a necklace project in this issue but also, I wrote a fun article on Designing Everyday Jewelry.

I sometimes write articles like this so long ago that when it finally comes out, I completely forget I had done it. Imagine my surprise over coffee this morning as I was flipping through this digital issue to see a 4 page article with my name on it! WOOT!

This is a great issue, broken up into color categories- a great layout- just look at that cover!! The talented Erin Siegel has a BUNCH of gorgeous projects in this issue, as well as that red Pomegranate bracelet on the cover!!

Yea you definitely don't want to miss out on this issue. It's a keeper!


  1. Congratulations on your feature article! I love this magazine but can never remember to look for it on the stands.

  2. WOOT, woot!! Thanks for the mention, Love! I haven't seen the magazine yet, but it looks absolutely fabulous. I can not wait to see and read your article! I've been waiting anxiously for this one to come out. Got to go download it right this minute! :)

  3. Wow! well done Lorelei, looks great!

  4. Fantastic - I'm downloading my copy!

  5. A big thanks for the efforts you have put into writing this blog.
    gemstone earrings


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