Beadin Path, book signing

My book signing was today for 5-6pm at the Beadin Path in Freeport. It went okay and i met a few loyal blog readers who stopped by to have books signed. Great bead shop and I had a great time shopping and picking beads for the next bead challenge! owner Heather And I picked some awesome things to put into kits! More on that soon.


  1. Love all that vintage! I love that shop online, i bet it is great in real life!

  2. What a great shop and you look GREAT!

  3. Ooh, aah, what a yummy looking shop! And hooray for you, Madame Author!

  4. It sure was nice to meet you yesterday Lorelei! Gabrielle and I both enjoyed our first flip-through of the book (and she talked about Joe and his VW on the ride home - they were a hit)!

  5. Congrats on the book signing, Lorelei!

    I love The Beadin' Path. It was my favorite bead store during the short time I lived in Maine, and it's one of the places Mr. Sequin and I visited on our honeymoon. :)

  6. Betty S.7/18/2012

    Wow! Look at all that gorgeousness, yourself included!

  7. So happy to have met you IRL, Lorelei! Can't wait for our upcoming project!!! Thank you for stopping by for a signing - so honored & I know those that made it on a hot Summer night were beyond ecstatic to meet you! *hugs* Heather


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