New Hoop Challenge with Karen Totten

Welcome to the next installment of my blog challenges! The last one we did if you aren't familiar with these, was this one with Keirsten Giles of Cerebral Dilettante.  This next one, I am featuring this trio of ceramic hoops from Karen Totten of Starry Road Studio.

In this blog challenge, I will be choosing 6 random winners to receive a trio of hoops. I have my set too.  Leave one comment on this post telling me why you want to participate in such a challenge, and what you like best about participating in blog challenges such as these!

You must have a blog to participate. Once the participants are picked, I will mail out the hoops, and we will need to get started asap. I am picking a fairly early reveal date for this challenge,  October 30. 
Keep this in mind when commenting- if you feel that you won't be able to create something in 2.5 weeks, you may not want to participate in the giveaway. International peeps- there may not be enough time for you to play on this one. Next one, I promise to give lots of time to participate for everyone!

On that date, we will blog about our final designs, and include links to all participants. Please make sure you get your blog links to me by Oct. 30. so that I can distribute them to all of the participants.

Use your IMAGINATIONS! Come up with something NEW! Stretch your skills, think outside the box, and come up with something no one has done before! If it doesn't work out, that's fine! I want to see participants really be challenged with these hoops. I think there are so many options with this type of component- wire wrap them together, use them in 3 different pieces,  use ribbon! Use cording! Create a pendant using the hoops- layer them with other things!  Do something FUN and CREATIVE! And trust your FIRST instincts!

If you are wanting to join in, go ahead and leave your comment now. I will announce the participants on Tuesday morning, yep, that's TOMORROW.


  1. I am mostly a fiber artist generally making small fabric collages... and let me say, these would be AMAZING embellishments! I would love to join in the challenge and share an entirely different media with your readers!

  2. I love challenges! I've been admiring Karen's stuff for awhile but haven't gotten any yet. These hoops are great. I can imagine they'd be lots of fun to play with!

  3. I would love to be.a part of this challenge. I just started blogging a month ago so I want to dive in the enjoy all of the "blog only" challenges. I love working with new materials and coming up with cool designs.

  4. Karen's work is great and I could use a challenge to get me out of a slump! Count me in!

  5. I would love to be a part of this challenge to inspire others and myself to try new things! I think challenges bring out your best creativity!

  6. Awesome challenge Lorelei! I love Karen's components and these hoops have so much potential! I hope I get a chance to stretch my skills :)

  7. Hi Lorelei, I would be excited to take part in this challenge. I have only participated in 1 other challenge & it was super fun. I made 4 pieces from my bead soup. I like challenges because they stretch my limits & creativity. Karen's components are awesome. Thanx for the chance to win.
    P.S. I read your blog daily.

  8. Great challenge, these hoops are fantastic and have endless possibilities! I like to participate in blog challenges because it helps me step outside my comfort zone and really push myself. In each of the challenges I have participated in so far, I have learned new techniques that have strengthened my design style.

  9. Oh, I wish I could play along. :-( I hope you do an international one next! I love Karen's work - those glazes are amazing. I love these challenges because they give you that extra little push - just having that one, central component that you haven't specifically selected yourself is such a great creative motivator.

  10. Anonymous10/08/2012

    What an awesome challenge...I would love to participate and play with the trio of hoops!

  11. I would love to work with those componets. Idea's are already flowing...

  12. I would love to participate in this challenge.I really enjoy working with components I have never used and working outside of my usual comfort zone.

  13. I would LOVE to be part of this challenge, I've never done one and I LOVE Karen's work! I need a challenge!

  14. I would love a chance to ply. Those rings look amazing!

  15. I've never participated in a blog challenge before, and I'd love to make this my first! These rings are beautiful, and ideas are already swirling in my head...

  16. I would love to participate in this challenge, because those hoops are fabulous! I like challenges, in general, to give myself a good healthy stretch! My fingers are crossed!

  17. I'm in Canada but really pretty close by! I already have an idea I'd love to try - love that about challenges and love seeing the different ways folks use the same pieces

  18. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  19. I would love to join.. It would be a different componet for me. I have a few ideas. The colors are just beautuful.

  20. Yes I want to participate. Why? I really like the hoops when I see the picture, lovely colors and shapes, and I love Karens stuff. But I haven't got a clue what I would make with them. I really don't get any instant ideas at all. And that is why I think it would be an awesome and fun challenge. Just the way I like it. But now I saw you don't take international participants for this one. I better look out for the next one then. :-)

  21. Hi Lerelei . . . not enough time for them to get to Ireland ??
    Please send up the fireworks in lots of time when international fans can leave a hopeful comment !
    A challenge is what I need to focus me and It would be FUN.

  22. I have seen lots of things made w/ these ceramic washers & I'd like to try them too! Thanks for the chance

  23. Oh, I love Karen's work so much! I'd love to participate to STRETCH myself! I'm bored with making beads right now and want to do something different!

  24. O, wow! Those are fantastic! I love playing these blog hops since it really does get me to stretch. Also I love participating since it makes me commit and finish a piece of jewelry that I usually end up loving.


  25. Lots of ideas for these! I like challenges to push my creativity.

  26. Anonymous10/09/2012

    Challenges bring me out of my element and help me think outside of the box. Sometimes, I already know exactly what to do with a challenge, like this one. The pieces sometimes tell me where to go :) I'd love to be a part of this challenge.

  27. I so wish I could sign up for this one! I'm just over-booked this month. I've just acquired some of Karen Totten's hoops though and will be starting to work with them soon. I guess I'll be playing along in my own way! :-) Anxious to see what designs come out of your challenge!

  28. Oh WOW Lorelei! This is an awesome challenge! I love working with challenges because they stretch my creativity and usually send me in an entirely different direction. Hey you know you need a seed beader in this too right? LOLOLOL

  29. I would love the opportunity to join the challenge!


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