Blog Hop: Art Jewelry Elements Sue Beads Ruffle Discs

Lucky LUCKY! I won a giveaway for one of Sue Kennedy's Ruffle Discs, over at the Art Jewelry Elements blog- and today is the blog hop to show off our designs using the discs!!  The one I got is a gorgeous periwinkle blue with transparent purple edges.  I decided to use my disc as the focal in a bracelet design. I wire wrapped the disc at the center of this bracelet full of Brass Scarab components from Vintaj Brass Co.  I linked the scarabs together with jump rings and then dangled little lavender pearls off of them for a little extra movement and color!

Have fun hopping, here's the list below!

Guest Bloggers

Lorelei Eurto<--- you are here!
Birgitta Lejonklou

AJE Team

Jennifer Cameron
Jenny Davies-Reazor
Francesa Watson


  1. Very striking design - lovely!

  2. That Periwinkle is so pretty, great design!!

  3. What an unusual approach. Very cool though!

  4. Very pretty. The scarabs color really accentuates the color of the disc. Unusual components, too. I like the little dangles on them for the extra movement.

  5. Fantastic bracelet Lorelei! You have a great talent for bringing unique components together in such a beautiful way!

  6. Lovely subtle colors in this bracelet and very pretty components !

  7. Really unique! Love the beetles!

  8. I haven't seen those scarabs before...I LOVE them! Great design, very creative. Thanks for participating in the design challenge!

  9. What a creative design! I agree with Lolaā€”you really know how to put unique elements together. The brass is a beautiful compliment to the periwinkle color and I love the pearl dangles!

  10. Very creative design! I love the beetles and I am happy to see how you linked them together.

  11. The pearl dangles are so fun on this lovely bracelet!

  12. I have to tell you that I was a bit creeped out at first (bugs = shivers) but this is a gorgeous piece!!!!!

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. I have to admit that I had a bit of the same reaction as Kristen, but at the same time, I am always impressed at the creative ways you put together unique components. I'm glad you could play along with us this time!

  15. I love your style Lorelei! Thanks so much for playing along!

  16. Thats pretty wild. I would have thought the beetles were too big to fit comfortably. Nice outside the box bracelet!

  17. This project turned out so beautifully. Thank you for sharing.
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