A New Reader Challenge: Book
Welcome to my newest blog challenge!

She has sent me 12 books, and I'll be participating so I have 11 open spots to fill. Please be sure to read this entire post and all rules before commenting.
There are some rules for this challenge, as there are for every beading challenge. But Sara has requested that a few requirements be met first. Don't worry, it'll still be FUN!
1. At last three items used in your finished design must come from your local bead store. Items noted and referenced to the store. And if you don't have a bead store in your area, it's okay to shop online for your components- there are some really great online bead stores!
Post Script: The idea behind this is to support our local bead shops as so many are forced to close! Case in point, my local bead shop went out of business about 2 years ago and I was heart-broken! Kicking myself for not shopping there more often when it was available! Try to stay away from the big box stores if you can help it! And I'm always a huge supporter of shopping HANDMADE whenever you can!
2. The challenge is going to be judged by Sara's local bead store via pictures. And there will be 1 winner! The winner will receive $100 of C-Koop components of their choice!
3. You will share your "story" behind your creation. You can either blog about your story or send the text on to me, or Sara.
example of finished books...
Here's how this will work. If you would like to participate, I will be choosing 11 random participants. Please leave 1 comment each on this post to enter. International participants are welcome to enter too! I will then send the books to each participant via first class USPS mail.
Participants will receive a random color.
I will need the 11 participants to send me their mailing address once chosen. Please check back on Friday to see if you have been chosen. I will not spend a lot of time trying to hunt you down. If you don't contact me, I will have to choose another playeer to take your place.
I will pick the players for this challenge on Friday October 25th, and the deadline for your finished pieces will be November 25th. You have 1 month to finish your project.
Sara will be sharing all photos of your finished projects on her Facebook page, and that's where the judging will take place.
Story telling is a huge part of jewelry design in a lot of ways, so this process should be fun! The challenge will be to create a piece of jewelry around your finished "book". Good Luck to all!
Please leave one comment on this post and tell me why you would like to participate!
Oh my, this is my cup of tea!
ReplyDeleteWhy enter this give away?
Because it's a book!
Almost a decade ago I found a blog filled with the most beautiful stories. I learned to know the man (Dave) behind the stories, fell in love with him and now, 8 years, later he's the father of our wonderful son Leander.
We tell him a lot of imaginary stories, from books, or from our own minds. Nothing wrong with some fantasy, isn't it? :)
Is there anything more fun then reading and beading? I don't think so!
So the perfect clash: beading with a book!
Couldn't wish more!
x Ellen
I so want to win this! I have a flat full of books and I can already think of narratives for my design. The colours of these components are fabulous. Oh, just, just, pleeeease let me win!! Thank you.
What a fabulous challenge Lorelei and Sara!!! I would love to take part, as a life-long lover of books and story-telling, it's a challenge I'd have a lot of fun with!
ReplyDeleteI would like to participate because books hold a special place in my heart, as soon as I was able to read my grandfather supplied me with a never ending stream of books, each with the promise "oh, you will love this one!" and I always did and what could be more fantastic then combining my love of jewellery with my love of books? (Even if I don't win, thanks this post has made me smile just remembering him saying those words)!
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness, these are awesome! I would love to be considered! Thank you Sara and Lorelei!
ReplyDeleteI would like to participate because I love the power of words. One word, properly placed within a sentence or story, can change a moment, a mind, a heart.
DeleteThese are so cool looking! I never enter challenges, but I'd love to give this one a go- get me thinking outside my box...
ReplyDeleteI'm all about books,! This would also be a real challenge since I'm not used to these sorts of components.
ReplyDeleteOh my heavens, this looks like an awesome challenge! I love reading and books! Thanks for a chance to play with these awesome pieces
ReplyDeleteI adore these new findings. In addition to my beadwork, I've been taking some bookbinding and mixed media classes and have been looking for ways to combine beadwork with those forms of expression. I would love to be able to participate ... or at least be able to purchase the findings!!!
ReplyDeletei love these!!! and since i am a book junkie, i think this idea is great!!
ReplyDeleteAs an English major and a book lover, I would love to do this. I'm also a medievalist and have made belt books. I would do this with a medieval theme. We have a local bead store - East Street Beads - so it would be easy to complete this challenge!
ReplyDeleteAnonymous comments will not count. i need a way of contacting you if you win!
DeleteI will love to participate in this project! I have already made a few books of my own, some with hinges, some with rivet decoration, some with etched covers. I even taught a mixed media book class to the ladies of our local guild in our annual retreat (we call it teching forward), but I am yet to make a book with enameled covers, and those cover look sooo good with those yummie colors... I have to have one please : )
Books AND jewelry? Isn't that too much of a good thing? Nah ;)
ReplyDeleteNeedless to say, I'd love to participate.
Hi Lorelie,
ReplyDeleteI would love a chance to participate in this challenge. Books play a big part in my life, weather it is fictional, non-fictional, or educational towards my craft. Also I am learning cold connections and other metal working techniques and this would be a great opportunity use the skills that I am learning.
I used to play "bookbinder" as a child, Lorelei, so making a mini-version would be awesome!
ReplyDeleteThese books are so cute! What a great idea for a blog hop!! Please sign me up for a chance to win ;)
ReplyDeleteI would love to participate. I have been an avid reader since I was a wee one. I remember my mother reading to me and in Elementary school I would sneak my books in behind my school books and read during class. I have written many short stories and poems and one day hope to publish. What a great way to intertwine my love of beading and reading by dong this challenge! Thanks bunches!
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ReplyDeleteI am a book lover, and I have got to do this!!! I know that that sounds pushy--I don't mean it to be... but oh please pick me! I live for BOOKS! I love you and I love CKoop. They don't know me, but I purchase through fusion beads, One problem, I don't have a local bead shop. I live in the middle of nowhere, have disabled children and my local shops are online sources. Hope that doesn't knock me out of the running. xox jean love this challenge!!! :)
I love everything enameled and never had a chance to design with c-koop elements !
ReplyDeleteWould LOVE to participate in this challenge and "tell my story" through a jewelry design...
Those look awesome. I would love a chance to play. Reading on my kindle has made me miss the feel of books. It would be nice to have a small one to remember them by. :)
ReplyDeleteThis looks like so much fun--and quite the challenge! As a lifelong avid reader, this would allow me to combine two of my loves--beading and reading! I'd love to participate!
ReplyDeleteWould love to participate. And then gift this to my Mom. Who's been on a constant diet of books as far back as I can remember. (she says she reads them...but I think she secretly eats them) (wink)
ReplyDeleteThank You Sara and Lori..what a great challenge.
Lorelei and Sara this is a great project and I would love to participate! Enamels are new to me so this would really be an exciting challenge. Thanks to you both for creating this opportunity.
ReplyDeleteOh, I would love to play! I know that you said that the choosing would be random--but, oh, I hope I'm picked! *crosses fingers and toes*
ReplyDelete(My book "credentials": I'm writing one! Well, I'm working on quite a few novels, actually--one of which is already tied into my jewelry. I also have been an avid reader since I can remember, and I used to work in a library as Interlibrary Loan Specialist... Granted, my mother is a librarian, so I've come by it all honestly!)
Interestingly, my jewelry making studio is completely lined with bookshelves sagging under the weight of books. I create while surrounded by the literal and figurative inspiration of books every day - the lines and colors of their bindings and the stories contained within. Plus, I love cKoop components and who wouldn't want the opportunity to play with one of Sara's new inventions ... inspired by books?!
ReplyDeleteThis sounds wonderful! I've been working with books longer than jewelry (designing book covers and layout of book interior pages for 20 years). I love when I can combine books and jewelry together...
ReplyDeleteOh I would love to join in.. I know this is crazy but I do not own one jewelry book yet. But I do love reading.. I have tons of other books though..
ReplyDeleteThis looks like loads of fun! I love to read - please count me in.
ReplyDeleteWow, I love these! As an editor and a former librarian, books are my life! I already make a lot of book themed jewelry, so it would be a fun challenge to come up with something new and different with these colorful pieces. I would love to participate.
ReplyDeleteI have never used book components. But these look like so much fun to work with and come up with a story with them. I'd love to try this and come up with a story worthy of them.
ReplyDeleteLorelei, I'm throwing my hat into the ring in hopes that you fish it out and pick me for this wonderful challenge. I LOVE words and books and have a serious obsession with journals. A fresh clean journal page or the first time you open a book and smell the pages, I love it all. Hope i'm able to participate.
ReplyDeleteI would love to join this challenge, count me in.
ReplyDeleteI'd love to try C Koop's new book covers! Since I get to go shopping - all the better!
ReplyDeleteI would like to join. I think the books would make a great focal for a necklace. I love books too.
ReplyDeleteI would love to join in, what fun! I already have a fun idea just reading this post,I don't want to give it away but lets say it involves incorporating the jewelry into a display piece so the book will have a good home when not worn. I love adding in the local bead store, I was ata glass bead show this weekend and picked up some local handmade, plus I have a hoard from my lbs I should bust out. Thanks for the chance and getting the wheels turning
ReplyDeletePick meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee (please).
ReplyDeleteThis challenge is totally unlike any I've ever seen! What a great idea. Aside from the obvious desire to win the C-Koop componenets, I think it would definitely stretch my technique repertoire & make for a huge departure from my usual. As for advertising my LBS, not a problem since up until just recently I worked there & am still quite fond of the place. Good luck, everyone. Thanks, Lorelei.
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ReplyDeleteI've grown up amongst my father's 5500 (yeah I typed that right!) books so I couldn't help but loving them very much. This would be the most awesome challenge ever and even him would like the finished item for once!
ReplyDeleteHow adorable are those book components! I'd love to place my name in the hat!
ReplyDeleteAs someone who enjoys reading new jewelry design books, this would be a fun challenge to be a part of!
ReplyDeleteI love, Love love books and These adorable book componants are just the thing for a new journey
ReplyDeleteI would love to participate. This looks like it will be a load of fun. Whoever does create books, I cannot wait to see them! I love to make books starting in the book making class I took in college. This is also at the perfect time since I haven't made much jewelry as I have been writing my graduate thesis.
ReplyDeleteThanks for having another great challenge!
I have always wanted to write a book, so maybe I should start small (in size only) and then wear a book to encourage a book. Plus the colours of the components are gorgeous. Good luck everyone!
ReplyDeleteI would love to participate. I have never made a book but I have always been challenged to make one and this is a wonderful opportunity to do so.
ReplyDeleteI love Beading and I LOVE books! This would be only my 2nd challenge - I think I could make something fantast6ic out of that little bead book :)
ReplyDeleteI would love to participate in your challenge. I am active at our local library and read books when I am not making jewelry and beads. I already have some ideas about what I would do with the lovely component.
ReplyDeleteOh, wow, this is such a splendid idea and a wonderful opportunity! Books are a major part of our household (as a young student I often went hungry just to buy myself another great book), today we visit the library a couple times each week ~ and I do volunteer at my son's school... in the library :) I even know what to do with the enameled beauties!
ReplyDeleteLove the idea... I love jewelry making and reading a good book! Please consider me!
ReplyDeleteI chatted with Sara at Bead Fest in Philly - I'm trying to get her to make me some whale tails! Maybe if I get to participate I can keep trying to convince her about those tails while I dazzle with my tale!!
ReplyDeleteI would love to support my local bead store in making a piece of jewelry with Sara's book. I have never used enameled components and have heard great things about Sara's components.
I love to read and would like a chance to make something with books.
I would love to participate in this challenge. I have a local bead store I have been itching to get back to, and this will give me the perfect excuse. Also, books and stories have always been a passion of mine, whether reading them or making them - which is why I named my blog, "Storytelling". ;)
ReplyDeleteI'm lucky because I have a pretty good bead store about 5 minutes from my house and several more a short drive away - of course the short drive is into Portland, so no complaints here! Will these book components be for sale, too? I'm sure I'm not the only one that hopes so.
ReplyDeleteI am interested in the challenge! I used to make handmaid journals and really love these! I really wish I had a local bead store!!!
ReplyDeleteThank you!
I would love to be a part of the challenge! I have made minature hand bound books in the past and enjoyed it ! these remind me of a charm on an old SS charm bracelet that was my mom's when she was a teen, there is a small silver hinged book charm! She gave it to me when I was 16, and I added charms to it too, now it is my daughters! pick me please please please!!!!
ReplyDeleteI would love to have a chance to use these components! No mystery that I love books as a librarian, but I am also looking for an excuse for a road trip to my "local" bead shop!
ReplyDeleteI would like to enter this challenge because while I have made paper books, I have never combined books and beads before and would love the stimulation of stretching my boundaries. Plus I have a wonderful bead store nearby that I love to support!
ReplyDeleteThe components are beautiful, and I would love to work with them.
ReplyDeletePlease, add my name to this challenge.
What a great opportunity for the winners, to not only create with these gorgeous components, but to take part in this challenge. And to win C-Koop goodies on top of that! Can't beat that. I've been creating OOAK jewelry pieces for just over a year now and am stretching my creative wings in so many ways. I'd truly love to be able to give this a go and help my local bead store in the process. And the icing is to create the tiny book I've been working on in my mind for a few days now. Serendipity to be sure!
Hi Lorelei, I'd love the opportunity to join in...I've never done a bead challenge before and they always look like such fun...
ReplyDeleteI would like to enter because I love books...I've resisted the urge to buy an E-reader and my kids keep trying to buy me one...I'd much prefer to hold one, and be able to flip back and forth...give me a real book any day...
Tina LeBlanc
I would love to explore new challenges and support my local bead stores!! If selected I promise to help raise awareness with my jewelry and ideas. I promise to think outside the "book." It also just sounds like fun!! Thanks for offering the invite to some lucky winners.
ReplyDeleteI would love to participate! (1) I've never participated in any bead challenge before. (2) My "book" is a multi-volume one :). Being born in one place, and then coming to America at 37 -- so many stories to tell :). Thanks!
ReplyDeleteThis is just what I need to kickstart some creativity and make a piece purely for the fun of it. I'm in!!
ReplyDeleteI haven't made any jewelry for quite a while, but this would be just the thing to start again - I LOVE books! Hope I'm not too late to enter... *crossesfingers*