Another postage HIKE!

Gah! Again!?
Sorry guys, but postage costs are going up again, as of January 26th. Here is a chart to show the increases per package type.

I'll be updating my postage in my online shops accordingly. Boo. :(


  1. Your local postage is still way, way cheaper than ours! Still a pain in the bum though. Uk went up from £1.58 for a small packet to £3 almost 2 years ago! Daylight robbery!

  2. It is so strange that some time ago the shipping cost in germany were so high compared to other countries and now... it is really affordable. Just to so few changes over the last few year. Good to send something to the rest of the world for me but really really bad if I want to order from abroad. In the end the shipping cost are really preventing me from buying more from us. I am willing to pay for shipping but it has somehow to be in relation to what I want to buy... Boo! :(

  3. I agree. Postage costs have gotten a bit ridiculous. I'm sure a lot of it has to do with the fact that we are not mailing as much out anymore. We pay our bills online, send e-mails instead of letters and even advertisers are focusing more online than direct mail.

  4. So true, Bonnie! They know they've got us over a barrel - If we want to send or order anything, we have to pay the piper.

    Thanks for the concise chart, Lorelei, and for keeping us on our toes!

  5. Yes, Boo! I'll have to edit my Etsy shipping charges, and I'm sure it will impact any prospective sales.
    Thanks for the update.


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