Sad to say Good-Bye

This little honey is flying off to its new home in Poland today! I am a little sad to see it go! As you can see, yesterday was a really really good mail day: Jade Scott, and some Beautiful Czech glass beads from The Curious Bead Shop! I couldn't help myself but to put them to use asap.  I really love how this piece turned out! I love that Jade's watering can had the handle AND a hole on the spout to attach it as a connector instead of just a pendant!

Now if I can just convince Nancy of Round Rabbit to make more of these gorgeous porcelain flowers, and Jade to do more watering cans, we'll be in business!!


  1. Thank you for the shout out! I'm not surprised this one's winging its way to a new home. Love what you've done! I have a couple of those RR flowers I've stashed, just used one in a mag project but the rest are still being hoarded!

  2. Lorelei this is so fabulous! I would love to see more of this style, hopefully JS will make more watering cans! I just got my very first Jade Scott pendant yesterday...I got an elephant and I am in total awe of her work!

  3. I love how you used that watering can, and I also love the redesign of your website. So clean and easy to use!


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