
Quite possibly my most favorite thing I've ever made. This piece came together so perfectly, I could never have planned it out ahead of time.  It was just one of those things that happened at the right time, with the right beads. Kind of a miracle even.  I can only hope that Miss Nancy Adams of Round Rabbit makes more of these porcelain wing components so that I may make a series of these for my next show. 

Heading out to work today. This week has been particularly tough as I watch the clock about think about all of the things I could be accomplishing at home. I hope it gets easier, this new schedule. So far, the extra money has been great. 

Speaking of money, if you have gone to my Etsy store in the past 2-3 days you may notice that you cannot get in. Well, that's because I owe them money and they shut it down til I can pay the bill in full. Damn them. And so, new jewelry will be listed in my webstore until I can get caught up.


  1. I do not like direct checkout on Etsy for that very reason.... yes I like printing international postage directly, but that bill adds up fast... still like Paypal's system the best.

    1. Ugh I know Tracee. It's aggravating. I wonder how people selling large amounts of supplies deal with their bill. Makes me think more and more of moving full time to indiemade store.
      so much CHEAPER.

  2. This is a very striking and thought-provoking piece. Just beautiful and so well put-together.

    1. Thank you Peter, what a nice compliment!

  3. Don't you love when that happens?? - the looking at what you created and wondering who made it?!

    I'm guessing it will get easier as it becomes routine. Think of all the inspiration you're gathering.

  4. Really interesting piece! I am guessing you used Irish waxed linen to go through the beads.

    1. Hi Kathy! I did use some waxed linen cord on the focal piece, that stuff works for everything!!

  5. Lovely and unique. I have a set of those wings beads and am mulling overall what to do with them :-)

    1. Thanks E- I'm sure you will come up with something unique and fab!

  6. Visually stunning and sure to be the object of many conversations!

    Your Etsy comment truly illustrates the necessity and wisdom of having an independent platform and presence outside Big Brother.. Scary how they can just turn off the power like that :(

  7. That is such a glorious necklace... A real stunner. Hats off :)

  8. Goosebumps...this piece rocks! Well done, a very lovely design and use of your work!


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