Get Ready for a Show!

I'm currently in panic mode but what better way to procrastinate show prep, than blogging!  If you are in the New York State area this weekend, why not take a nice scenic drive to the Cherry Valley, Sharon Springs is hosting their annual Harvest Festival and yours truly will be there all weekend selling my wares.   #sharonspringsharvestfestival

I will be located on South Street, along ETSY alley, where I was located last year.  But on the far end towards Willow st.  I have lots of new beauties that are going to be available at the show. Unfortunately, not too much in the way of tin, but if you like my one of a kinders, than you are IN LUCK!  #etsyharvestfestival2015

The show opens at 10 and lasts till 5pm both Saturday and Sunday. There will be a boatload of vendors this year. Last year this show pulled in over 15,000 people visiting this quaint little town in upstate NY.  Come on down, you won't regret it and the weather is supposed to be PERFECT!

Upcoming shows:


Oct. 17. 1-5pm OPEN HOUSE at my home, New Hartford NY. I'll have some snacks available for shoppers, and some tasty beverages too!  Get a head start on your Christmas shopping~!

Nov. 20-22 INDIE GARAGE SALE Pop Up Shop at the old Circuit City bldg in Sangertown Square mall. I will be there selling a table full of jewelry. This show will continue through the season each weekend leading up to Christmas, but I'll ONLY be there on NOV 20-22!. So save the date!


  1. How awesome is that Halloween bracelet??! Love the fox necklace too.
    I'm still too lazy to do fairs, so good for you.


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